
What's new with the Sony DCR-PC350 (vs. its predecessor, the DCR-PC330)

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Comparing the documentation, here's what I came up with -- please post if I've missed anything:

It seems to me that Sony had three sales objectives with this product "upgrade": make it cheaper, make it smaller, and promote the new Memory Stick Duo format. To Sony's credit, this is exactly what they achieved. By using cheaper hardware components (LCD Display, Viewfinder LCD, lens, e.g.) and offloading the DV/USB and battery recharging to the separate Handycam Station (likely allows the use of cheaper components for those, as well), Sony was able to reduce the MSRP by $400 (!) while also reducing the camcorder's form factor and weight. Implementing the new memory media format, although much to the chagrin of those many customers who have invested in multiple Memory Stick Pro media, was a no-brainer: need to promote new/smaller media + new smaller camcorder = cha-ching. So, the PC350 is generally the same camera as the PC330 -- only smaller, lighter, built with some downgraded components, and carrying a few extra software bells and whistles.

Looking at the PC350 purely from a skydiver perspective, it's a pretty simple tradeoff:
  • Pros
    • 400 bones cheaper, with the same great CCD
    • Smaller & lighter, with the same great CCD
    • Longer battery life

  • Cons
    • Handycam Station
      • Need to carry yet another piece of hardware around
      • Makes Firewire dubs very inconvenient at the DZ

From this standpoint, the concession seems worth it.

If the camcorder will be used for other purposes (trips, family events, pornos, etc.), however, then the other line items come into play, the value of each being highly subjective.

As for me, the reduced resolution in both the LCD Display and Viewfinder is a show-stopper. When playing with a unit at Fry's yesterday, I was appalled by the display quality. Sure, the colors were good, and yes, a subject can still be easily framed, but the looking-through-a-screen-door effect was downright irritating, not to mention crippling when trying to get the focus just right. If the majority of a user's visual interaction with a product is through its display, there's no excuse for downgrading the display hardware on a new version of the product -- upward is the only way to go.

Without seeing side-by-side video and image comparisons between the PC330 and PC350, no one can really say much, aside from theory, about the effect of using the smaller lens. I'm definitely concerned about it, but I'd like to see the side-by-side output before passing judgement.

Any volunteers?


PS Hope this helps folks make informed purchase decisions.
PPS Hope folks post more info on this cam to make this thread more complete.
PPPS 'sup fockers?

Other Keywords: PC 330 350 PC-330 PC-350 digital dv minidv mini-dv camera

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*jaw hits the floor* I never thought i'd see it! Steve you whore your posting again!!

you gonna replace your PC120BC?

i'm not sure going from FM to FF series battery is a plus. That means that people won't be able to take there bat off there other pc series camera's and slap it on. Not to mention the battery life of the FF series isn't what the FM is. If your going for a super small profile just pick up and IP5 used and your set.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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PS Hope this helps folks make informed purchase decisions.
PPS Hope folks post more info on this cam to make this thread more complete.
PPPS 'sup fockers?

sup Steve!?!
Hey welcome back and great post!!!
I hadn't gotten my hands on a 350 yet to compare them, but I've been very, very happy with my 330 since I bought it in January. In fact, not too long ago I posted this:

So, anyone have a 350 and 330 they can do a comparison with for me?
When the 330's make it to the Sony Outlet Center, I'm going to buy another one.

So, thanks for the great comparison. I'm glad I have a 330 and am keeping my eyes on the outlet center for when they get some in.
In fact, at nationals we had a guy shooting 4-way go through the docking station firewire hassle with the pc350.


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I just got my pc350 for $1199 locally. Found it on the web for a bit less, but didn't have the time to wait for shipping. Plus the place i wanted to buy it from was in state so i'd get nailed with tax either way. I've put it through one shoot. Where I needed a small camera b/c of limited space that would make shooting with a full size ENG cam nearly impossible.
There's only one part that you were off on that i caught... You CAN charge the batteries onboard either with or without the station. The only thing you need the station for is firewire or USB connectivity.
Does the memory stick duo actually have a smaller capacity or are they just more expensive per MB?

P.S. And don't worry as great as the urge is she won't be flying with me until i get closer to 300 or 400 jumps.

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you gonna replace your PC120BC[sic]?

Yeppers. And good point regarding the inability to reuse batteries from previous models; however, the stats on battery life with this particular model show a gain with the entry-level battery. This could be due to the lower overall power consumption of the PC350, though, rather than the battery performance itself. But we already went over that on the phone... heh.


In fact, at nationals we had a guy shooting 4-way go through the docking station firewire hassle with the pc350.

Another great point. I s'pose I should've said "purely from a fun jumper perspective" that the concession seemed "worth it". For those who often need to transfer video between jumps (tandem/aff, 4-way, etc.), the HandyCam Station feature could very well be the straw...


here's only one part that you were off on that i caught... You CAN charge the batteries onboard either with or without the station.

Doh! P. 16 of the manual walks through attaching the power cable to the HandyCam Station for battery charging, but p. 140 shows DC-IN on the camera itself. Good catch!


Does the memory stick duo actually have a smaller capacity or are they just more expensive per MB?

Although I haven't seen an official spec on how the format scales, my understanding is that Memory Stick Pro has capacities up to 2GB, whereas current Memory Stick Pro Duo products have capacities only up to 512MB -- only 1/4 the capacity of the slightly bigger stick. Not to mention the higher price tag (per MB).


For side by side comparison check out this link

I had come across that review prior to my post, but a glaring inconsistency early in the article left it tasting a bit lacking in credibility to me:


Culminating on the front side of the PC350 is the camcorder's Carl Zeiss T* lens. With a filter diameter of 37 mm and a focal length of 5.1-51 mm, the PC350 is exactly the same lens wise as the PC330; however, its appearance is definitely more compact.

A quick glance at the side-by-side photos directly above and below this statement shows that the lens diameter is, indeed, different. After reading it through this time, though, it notes the PC330's having better low-light stills than the PC350... perhaps this is what we're looking for (smaller lens)? Thanks for getting me to look at it again.

*yawn* Why the hell am I up so late? :S


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PS Hope this helps folks make informed purchase decisions.

It will, thanks for that! Only problem for me is finding a store that sells the 330 for less then $1300. I found a couple but they are out of stock, go figure :S

for less than $1300, HA, try finding a new one AT ALL. They're all gone. Seriously. I spent an entire day calling every store... Not a single retailer had one. I literally found about 20 places online that said they had one, and when I called they didn't.

I think your last hope is the overpriced used ones on ebay here and here.

good luck. If you find anyplace that has some, let us know, I'd buy another one.


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