
Camera Helmet

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I have purchased a Sony PC101 and wanted to see if there were any compatibility problems using a helmet for a pc5. The dimensions look very close and i don't foresee an issue.
My other question for the masses is what kind of wide angle lens do you recommend. I am new to digital cameras and am looking for specific numbers on the lens. Thanks for feedback.


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If the cameras are similar in size (width/height/length) I wouldn't forsee a problem in using a box for a PC5 vs a PC101.

As far as lenses go, what type of camera flying are you wanting to do? RW, 4 way and that type of stuff, even tandem/AFF camerafolk, I see many of them using a .5x lens.

Freeflyers who are up close and personal on jumps prefer a wider lens, in the .43x and .42x range, but you may get frustrated with these at first if you're not very close on every jump.

I would start out with something in the .5x or even .6x and downsize from there if you choose to do so. :)


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