
Replacement Camera for a PC101

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Because ATA airlines sucks ass, I am looking for a replacement camera for my PC101. I would love to get another 101, but can't find one (DBuys, Ritz, Wolf, EBay,...) I have a helmet with CamEye II and one lens, two batteries, battery charger, firewire, and several tapes.

Anyone have any suggestions for
a) Where to find a new PC101?, or
b) What would be a good replacement camera, and
3) What would be a good source?

Thanks, and did I mention ATA sucks ass?
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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i just bought a brand new pc 105 (new version) at frys for 750.00 since the 101 is alittle bulkier the 105 should fit nicley with a little foam to keep it snug. sorry about your cam. that sux

I was lucky to replace my PC 101 with one from EBay. I was kinda scared to use ebay for something so expensive. But I actually got a good deal, $425. It looks pretty much new:)

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