
DVD Recorder Recommendation?

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I recently bought a DVD recorder that I'm wanting to use at the DZ this year.

I'm wanting to put a leader on the DVD before I sit down to edit the video. What I've found is that the DVD records separate chapters when I pop the DVD back in after the leader to do this.

Is there a DVD recorder that will record more linear (like VHS), so when the DVD is played back, they have a nice linear playback without selecting chapters?


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I did turn off auto chapters. This one (cheapo cyberhome) creates autochapters every 5 minutes of recording. Also, it creates a new chapter whenever you start/stop the recording. When I turned off the autochapter, all it turned off was the 5 minute thingy.

With the Phillips and the autochapter turned off, when the student puts the DVD in their player, will it automatically start playing the complete DVD? Putting a leader on ahead of time isn't an issue?


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I see what you are asking. On this I am not sure. I know on the Phillips that every time you start and stop recording it will create a new chapter. Although I think there is a way to combine them into one. I wont be able to find out untill this weekend since the recorder I use is at the DZ. Sorry.

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I took the cheapy back and got a Phillips. I like the Phillips already as it has firewire input too.

I'm going to give it a try tonight and I'll let you know what I come up with.

For anyone that puts leaders on their videos, how do you manage this with the DVD?



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I'm wanting to put a leader on the DVD before I sit down to edit the video.

I'm not sure what your using to edit but I will assume it's a Computer based program and from there you burn to CD/DVD/VHS.

I think a simple solution to the problem is to have your (generic)leader ready to drop into the time line of your editor. Save the leader footage by itself and when you need it, drop it first into the time line then a few blank frames or a transition to the footage . Finish the product then burn straight to DVD. You will have one chapter with the leader and all the footage on it.
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I'm not using a computer for the run-of-the-mill tandem video (not enough time between loads - I need to pack too!). I'm using a mixing board and s-video (still great quality).

I'm finding that these DVDR's all make a new chapter when you start / stop the recording (this includes pausing). I'm wanting to make 1 continuous chapter. Am I asking for something simpler than the DVDR manufacturers offer?

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When I make my tandem videos I do all the editing on the camera itself, including putting a leader on the beginning and end of the tape. This is easily done using the memory stick. That way when I go to make the DVD/VHS, all I have to do is let the DVD record untill the footage has finished. I add in the music with an editing board on the fly while the footage is playing and being recorded. This way, only one chapter is made. I do not have to start and stop the recording with this method.

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Oh you mean a movie leader. Sorry. No you cant use the memory stick to put movie leaders back on the tape. I thought you were talking about a picture leader. Besides movies on the memory stick are in mpeg format and therefore not good quality anymore.

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