
export on PC101?

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Hi everyone

I have no problem importing my videos from my PC101 to my PC either under pinnacle v9 or premiere pro and editing them but there is no way I can export beck my final work on a DV tape in my PC101. With premiere the camera starts recording but in fact it does not record anything and in pinnacle it tells me that it is impossible to initialize the DV camera.
There must be a parameter that I don't know in my camera.

Can anyone help me?

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I use Studio 8 by Pinnacle so after you render your movie and want to put it back on the tape you took it off of click settings in the make movie window, it's under the circle that shows your disk space, then in the lower left check the box that says " automatically start and stop recording". It should put the video on the tape in your camera. Remember to uncheck it or it will only record to your camera tape and not to your vcr.

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Yes I use the VCR mode (I even tried in both modes just in case...).
However, I do exactly as you say with pinnacle but still it tells me to check if the camera is on of if the cable is OK. Could my firewire cable work in only one direction? (I'm better in the sky than at computers!).
Do you have to switch anything on the camera so that it accepts an "in" signal?

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The only other thing I can think of is A/V>DV OUT. Set the mode selector to VCR. Touch FN. Touch menu (make sure you are on page one at the top). Arrow down to VCR SET and press EXEC. Arrow down to A/V>DV OUT. I leave my set to Off. Other than that it may have to do with software settings. Seems I have had this happen a time or two but not sure what caused it. I will try to recreate the problem.

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I have no problem importing my videos from my PC101 to my PC either under pinnacle v9 or premiere pro and editing them but there is no way I can export beck my final work on a DV tape in my PC101. With premiere the camera starts recording but in fact it does not record anything and in pinnacle it tells me that it is impossible to initialize the DV camera.
There must be a parameter that I don't know in my camera.


I had this problem untill I read the manaul. You have to set the camera up just like you would if you were going to firewire some footage from someone else. You have to manually start and stop the recording on the camera just like you would if you were firewiring some footage from someone. Basically treat the computer as another video camera. You have to be in REC control mode. Page 3 in the FN menu under VCR mode. This will take care of the intialization problem. Dont try to use premier to start and stop the recording. Just start playing the movie in preimier and manually start and stop your camera.

Hope this helps.

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In Pinnacle Studio v8 and probably v9 all that is controled by the program or software. I set my camera to vcr setting and the software does the rest.
Record control is as you say, to transfer between two camers. To capture or to record on the camera or record on vhs tape it's all done from the vcr setting not record control on the PC 101. I haven't used Premiere so I'm not sure with that software.

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Thank you for the comments I did try all that and still...
In fact I bought my camera in the US (I'm French), and I have a friend who's got the exact same but wh bought it in France. With his camera it works perfectl and it does not with mine although we are doing the same thing. There might be a zone difference?

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"There might be a zone difference? "

Aha, maybe you should have mentioned this earlier, there may be issues with your cam being NTSC, and your friend's being PAL/SECAM. Different signal standards will not be converted during the processes you describe above.

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