
Junction of Grips - J.O.G.

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OK, here's one that's confused me a ton:

I just read somewhere about grip taking - I think it was the recent rules changes: When picking up a sidebody, it must be an arm and leg of the that person. I suspect this relates to J.O.G. and where it's not allowed.

Since the above is specific, is everything else legal in this matter? I think I have the instances:

N - IC to take the left arm of the Point for a Crank instead of the right leg of the OC, etc

Block 1 - finish with catching either inside leg or outside arm (this is allowed, is it mixable? can the IC take the arm when the OC takes the leg?)

Block 10 - finish with catching just about anything in the center (allowed? seems like it if I remember right)

Block 17 - top with just about anything in the center set of grips (allowed? seems like it)

Block 18 - about anything provided the pieces separate as two ways - Inside people or outside can take grips (can we mix? IC takes the comp grip while point takes the stairstep?)

Block 20 - Tail solo start on a leg and the IC's arm instead of both legs?

Block 22 - Deep in the compressed, the solos finish take the arm of the tail bit of the cat piece instead of the true compressed leg grip.....mixed?

Is there more? Most don't matter, it would be harder to do most of these unless the people were completely unmatched in build, etc.

hypothetical question..... Still interested.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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The rules only say "as depicted in the dive pool". The only clarification is the new rule which defines a sidebody.

Based upon the picture in the dive pool, I think you are okay with all the scenarios that your describe, except N and 20. In those pictures, I think cat grips are defined well enough.

Most of the other formations are vague enough that a argument could be made for the grips you describe. I think mixing grips is okay as well.
Arizona Hiking Trails

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Yeah, that answer feels right, but I wonder if anyone on these forums is a judge or is experienced enough to make the 'definitive' call.

But it's pretty silent lately

thanks :D

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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For any Judge out there willing to comment the questions left at this thread, here is the highlight about the mentions to "grip(s)" in the Competition Rules for Formation Skydiving 2004 (Effective May 1st, 2004) - http://www.fai.org/parachuting/documents/fs4-8_2004.pdf.


2.1. Formation: consists of jumpers linked by grips.

2.2. Grip: consists of a handhold on an arm or leg. As a minimum, a grip requires stationary contact of the hand on an arm or leg, as shown in diagram 7.2.


2.6. A subgroup’s centerpoint: is the defined grip, or the geometric centre of the grips within a subgroup.

2.7. Total Separation: is when all competitors show at one point in time they have released all their grips and no part of their arms have contact with another body.


3.3.6. Contact or grips are allowed between subgroups during the inter.

3.3.7. Where subgroups are shown, they must remain intact as a subgroup with only the depicted grips.


7.1.5. Any side-body link-up requires an arm grip and a leg grip on the same person.

7.2. Visualisation for grip positions, (Ref: 2.2): ARM | LEG.


I do agree with John's reply. He might very well be on it, but I'm not a FS Judge and we all know that even Judges sometimes have different interpretations on the rules, that's why time to time the rules need clarification (both by doubts about interpretation and/or "new/never thought before" situations.

Blue Skies! B|
Mario Santos

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