
Cross Competing in 4-Way?

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There was a small article on the Official GAP website that dealt with the subject of a female 4-Way competitor jumping in both Open and Women's meets.

There was mention of rules that prohibit a competitor doing so.

How does everybody else see it, does it give the person a edge over the competitors, even if it is a different draw.

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But it IS the same draw.

Also, there could be logistical issues with the person making calls for Open and Women's. Seems like it would be an organizational problem -- when really, that's the last thing you'd want at a meet.

Lastly, the entire reason the Women's category exists is to give women that can't readily get into Open a chance to be "seen". Seems to me that it would be sort of selfish of the person that had an Open slot to also take up one in the Women's.

BTFU and give somebody else a chance for cryin' out loud. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Lastly, the entire reason the Women's category exists is to give women that can't readily get into Open a chance to be "seen".

Is that the reasoning behind the existence of the Women's Category? Just out of interest as I missed the debate about it at the time...

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Is that the reasoning behind the existence of the Women's Category? Just out of interest as I missed the
debate about it at the time...

Yes it was about letting women be able to compete in a more fair area....Since they seem to be doing fine without it it seems redundant.

But the point of this post was should women be allowed to compete in 4way womens AND OPEN...The answer is no. It would allow them to "Practice" the dive.
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If it was the same draw there would be a definite conflict, but if the draws for Open and Womens are different, then what?

Can a person jumping in both events be seen as having practiced before the other dive, thus allowing for a advantage.

I also don't think that a Womens section was added to the 4-Way events so women could be "seen" more, it just allows them to compete amongst themselves at a "equal" level. (yes I know some female skydivers can compete at any level).

Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there.

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You should not be allowed to train before a jump, what happens if 3/4 of a 4-way are girls in the Womens and then just ad one guy in the open.
Or is it even so that a all girls team could compet in the open event, then what? :)

(sorry but the spelling, im Swedish )

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Not that is matters in this discussion, but they have the same rule for skysurf, including the video guy. If you film Women's skysurf, you are not permitted to also film Men's skysurf. Roughly the same arguments apply, although they are weaker in this event given that free rounds will not be identical. The discussion is exactly the same with respect to the compulsory rounds.


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