
jumps until Nationals?

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Just curious - approx. how many jumps is your team planning on making before Nationals?

Also, does your dropzone offer discounts for team jumps?

I'm on a new intermediate 4-way team in the GSL (M4) and absolutely loving it! Since I'm a newbie to skydiving, I'm just trying to soak in everything I can - and get an idea what other teams are doing.


"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants" -- Sir Isaac Newton

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My team, Cross Keys O2 Project, has made about 100 dives so far this season, and plans to make about another hundred. You probably won't get allot of folks telling you what kind of a deal they have with their DZ, since that sort of thing is usually confidential.
Mitch Tibbals

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Hey Janet--- kudos for getting on a team so early in your skydiving career. Mitch is correct in that team discounts are almost always classified information. If you have a team put together that is looking to make a significant number of jumps, organize yourself in a professional way, and present yourselves to your home DZ and see what they can offer you. I'm sure it depends on the DZ, but the more jumps you make, the more money the DZ makes, so you may be able to work out a mutually beneficial arrangement. Obviously, team training schedules/jump numbers are worked out according to the goals, finances, time available, etc of the particular team in question. I'm a complete and total 4-way addict, as are the other members of my team (Elsinore Adrenaline), so our plan was to shoot for as many jumps as we could fit in and afford from February through Nationals in October. Our goal was 300 jumps this season-- we'll come close, but due to weather, and other factors, we missed a training day here and there, so naturally the number of jumps we'll end up making will be less than that--- and that's ok, because we're still training hard and working toward our goal of kicking ass. And that's the good stuff.
Good luck with the team-- you guys going to Nationals this year? If so, see you there!!
Mel ;)


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Some dropzones have special deals for teams that are "back room" deals but most offer some sort of discount usually a pay in advance kind of thing.
At Skydive Oregon they have a team rate of $5000 down for a jump price of 12.99 per jump. Skydive Arizona had a deal where you put money down in an account and if you made at least 30 jumps per month you would get them for 14.50 each and I would imagine most of the larger DZ's offer something comparable to those maybe even better if you work for that DZ. Have a great season and see you all at Nationals.


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My team has about 130 jumps as of now. Our original plan was 200. We've got a pretty full schedule left before Nationals.

As far as team rates go, check around on dz web sites for an idea of what you can expect. The info listed above about SD AZ is easily accessible on their web site. SD Spaceland in Houston has a pretty neat team rate structure. Check it out at http://www.skydivespaceland.com/pricing/pricing_info_team.htm. SD Dallas has a similar setup, but with different rates.

This should give you an idea of what to expect.

If you want to get ever greater discounts, then you've got to start selling!

Generally the more involved a team is with a dz, the more the dz is willing to deviate from their "advertised rates" for the team (assuming they'll deviate at all!). The dz is a business... they're in this to make money. You've got to figure out how you can help them make money before they're willing to "spend" money on you.


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This should give you an idea of what to expect.

If you want to get ever greater discounts, then you've got to start selling!

Generally the more involved a team is with a dz, the more the dz is willing to deviate from their "advertised rates" for the team (assuming they'll deviate at all!).

Thanks for the info - my team wants to approach our home dzo about discounted jump tickets. We feel we're helping them when we train there (keeping the plane running and giving them some advertisement at meets and other stuff) - so I just wanted to have a ballpark idea of what other dzs were doing.

See you at Nationals!


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