Wisdom for New Swoopers

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"One way of looking at this might be that for 42 years, I've been making small, regular deposits in this bank of experience: education and training. And on January 15 the balance was sufficient so that I could make a very large withdrawal." Former US Airways Captain Chesley Sullenberger III
Life is ez
On the dz
Every jumper's dream
3 rigs and an airstream

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Excellent quote. Applies euqally to swoopers, non-swoopers, new jumpers and old jumpers.

In anything to do with aviation, more or less, this is the 'way of the world'. Accept it, or accept the consequences of your arrogance.

Along the same lines, one of my all time favorite aviation quotes, from one of the worlds greatest aviators (and 'swooper' in this video). The quote is from 1:15 to 1:55 -

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Excellent quote, and very true. It's for this reason that I almost always hand fly the airplane to final level off before turning on the autopilot, and turn off the autopilot at 10k feet for an approach and landing. Some of my fellow pilots are happy to let the computer do most of the flying, but I personally don't ever want to let my hand flying skills get rusty!
The best things in life are dangerous.

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You shouldn't do this in RVSM airspace... Also not in all airspaces it is recommended to do a lot of manual flying, with or without FD, manual flying is a higher workload. But you're damn right on the point of not being a pussy and to fly manual when the occasion is there to do it.

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In ~150 jumps (general skydiving), yeh I know, not much, I've never used an audible or digital altimeter (I don't swoop btw, at least not the "real" swooping:P) and I never really felt a big need for them..

I've always trusted my eyes and "the feel" first, though I can see the need for them in swooping.

Though the electronics are a nice help most of the time, but do not put 100% trust in them :)

"All limits are self imposed." Icarus

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"One way of looking at this might be that for 42 years, I've been making small, regular deposits in this bank of experience: education and training. And on January 15 the balance was sufficient so that I could make a very large withdrawal." Former US Airways Captain Chesley Sullenberger III

Brilliant. Just like his abilities behind the stick.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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When you're in the climb in RVSM airspace, it make no difference whatsoever whether you've got the autopilot on or not. The plane doesn't climb differently because a computer is doing it for you. I didn't say I was handflying the course and altitude after level off.
The best things in life are dangerous.

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