
JVX and Velocity competition results...

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you should try one of those, demo one and you will love the speed and distance you can get out of it.

I've jumped a Mamba 150, same size as my XF2 (well, sort of, my XF2 is a 149). The Mamba really isn't that good of a canopy as the XF2 overall. The openings were fine, but it was hard as hell to get the canopy to come back from a long spot in brakes or in risers.

The canopy dove well and was very smooth with harness input and front riser input. The riser pressure was pretty light in the front as well. The canopy felt like it was picking up speed and it felt like it would come out into a nice swoop, but just as you came around and started to plane out...it would peter out real quick. That was in rears or in toggles.

Who knows how it performans against a KA, haven't jumped a KA so I couldn't tell you, but I was very unimpressed by the Mamba.

Obviously this is my opinion about my experience with the Mamba, so YMMV.

I've demoed a Velo, I'm waiting for a VX demo...my next step is Xbraced.:)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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xf2 - xbraced. noice. just got rid of my xf2 for a xaos and love it! the xf2 was a great canopy the boys at icarus know their stuff. would have got a vx but didnt like the openings and riser pressure. i jumped a xaos 78 for a few weekends while my 83 was being built and my xf2 was sold

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xf2 - xbraced. noice. just got rid of my xf2 for a xaos and love it! the xf2 was a great canopy the boys at icarus know their stuff. would have got a vx but didnt like the openings and riser pressure. i jumped a xaos 78 for a few weekends while my 83 was being built and my xf2 was sold

funny, my VX opens nice and who cares about high riser pressure - no big deal with long risers.


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When I switched from 22 to 24-inch risers I noticed a difference, but it was small. I was also playing around with a few turning techniques that were new (to me) at that point though so it was hard to isolate any particular variable.

The thought of being farther away from the canopy taking longer to recover just makes sense intuitively to me I guess. Longer risers giving the pilot more leverage and range of motion also makes sense.

Arizona Drive 4-Way VFS - www.DriveVFS.com

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Doesn't affect pressure but rather gives the pilot more leverage.

IMO the effect on the recovery arc is minimal.


this is what I found. my point was...high front riser pressure is no big deal just get the right risers.


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xf2 - xbraced. noice. just got rid of my xf2 for a xaos and love it! the xf2 was a great canopy the boys at icarus know their stuff. would have got a vx but didnt like the openings and riser pressure. i jumped a xaos 78 for a few weekends while my 83 was being built and my xf2 was sold

I don't really see why high front riser pressure bothers people on such a small canopy. just learn to fly with your harness, it seems to fly cleaner like that anyway.

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