
South East CPC 2006 schedule

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Here is the schedule for the 2006 season

1 Feb 18 Lake Wales
2 March 18 Sebastian
3 April 15 Z-Hills
4 May 13 The Farm
5 June 17 Lake Wales

They are all on water except Sebastian. Wendy and the crew from Sebastian have supported us well over the last couple of years and we look forward to returning this year.

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I thought the Southeast regions were merging? Not sure how you expect to drum up support from the GA, TN and AL regions if you hold all except one meet at least 6.5 hrs away from them all the time [:/]

I know cost is always a factor and I think it's great that you have so many water meets but you really should consider the other regions more too if you want the Southeast region to have decent support.
To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu

It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer

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I know. It really is a difficult decision. But I have met with all of the judges and organizers that are involved with this and this works for them. To do these meets, the courses must be set up on Friday and for the out of town meets our judges are taking Thursday afternoon and Friday off of work for us. I hope you will all thank them when you see them. For the last couple of years I have scrambled to come up with judges sometimes up until the day before the meets. It becomes very very stressful. Something that gets old very fast. I would have to train new people at every meet and then worry that they are scoring everyone right and that the video guy does not miss a swoop or something.
We have an excellent team of judges this year who have commited to the whole season. Kolla and Lara and Jennifer and Robin Miller for video and Justin Carmody taking still photos have all commited to every meet. Please understand that we as swoopers are very lucky to have these people involved with our meets and I have discussed these dates and locations with them.
Trust me I know how you feel. I have been traveling on the Pro Tour now for the last couple of years and there is nothing I would like more than to not have to take an airline and get a rent a car and get a hotel and pay expensive registration costs, food on the road etc.etc......To me, I would not trade it for anything. It is part of the journey of our lives.
The DZ's that we are using are supporting us greatly. We have done meets there in the past and in my opinion they are the best locations for these meets for this year.
We are going into our third year here so let's have a good one.


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Hi Chris,

This brings up a question that was being discussed over the weekend with a few people doing the CPC this year. If the rule for qualifying to go to CO is that you must attend three meets rather than being in the top five for your region, are competitors able to travel to different regions? For instance, would people be allowed to fulfill thier 3 meets at 3 different regions?

I want to compete in my region, but from a practical standpoint there will be meets in other regions that are closer for me than going to central Florida four times. Also, one person who was asking about going to other regions was asking because they felt they could learn more from pilots in regions other than thier own. They want to mix it up a bit.

Please let us all know if this is some flexibility we can gain by having the CO requirements not depend on how you place in your region anymore.

Katie :P

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the way it was last year is you could go out of region if you committed yourself to that region. if you did go out of your "declared" region, you were considered a guest.

I think this is the way it is this year also, but if you don't like that, or anyone else doesn't like that, I would suggest you talk with Jim as soon as possible. nothing as of yet is set in stone.

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Hey Katie
I'm really glad to hear that you will be competing this year. It should be a good one.
You will need to pay your CPC registraion in one district. It has not been decide yet however if people will be allowed to compete in different districts to meet the 3 comp minimum requirement. You, of course, are more than welcome to compete in any comp you want as a guest that you are qualified for, but you will not help your overall regional placing. I will hope if you are planning on going to CO this year that you will try to get to more than just the 3 comp minimum

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Hey Chris!

I'm looking forward to competing again this year. I learned a lot from the two meets I participated in last year. I will definately be participating in more than the required 3 meets. The more practice I get, the better!

As for the flexibility, it's good to know so that if my schedule doesn't allow me the flexibility to make all the ones in FL, then I can always go to other ones as a guest. It is also good to know for people who may try to diversify the group they are competing with in the interest of getting better.

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Hey Katie.....I'm am so excited to think you and I will sorta be starting how our boys did a few years ago.....although I have yet to complete in anything like you have. I'm all for practice runs on Friday if you guys can come early.....It is really cool to look back at that very first CPC meet and all the guys who were in it, and where they are today. I won't start naming names but I'm very proud of a whole handful. I can only hope you and I have the same support system they all did but I know for a fact your Pro Qualified hottie husband with the cutest feet ever always has our best interest at hand. I look forward to seeing the familiar faces at Lake Wales. I'm also actually itching to travel to GA for a visit so keep me posted if you plan to "swoop a guest spot" some where in that neck of the woods. I'll come play with another up and coming swoop sistah!

So are we going to have a little threesome in Lake Wales :P? (*sorry - I'm frisky tonight*)

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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3 April 15 Z-Hills
4 May 13 The Farm
5 June 17 Lake Wales

Chris, just wanted to confirm that these dates are all correct and haven't changed? Just setting up my calendar.


To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu

It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer

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Thanks for the update. Katie and I will be at the Z-hills and last Lake Wales one. Unfortunately we have a wedding (Travis is a dumbass) to attend during the GA meet. Doesn't that just suck :D

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu

It's all good, they're my brothers ~ Mariann Kramer

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