
Gravity Pilots Camp in Europe!

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Ground Launch Centre plans to lead camp in the Europe.

We have already 5 applications from the Russian and Ukrainian pilots.

I suggest to lead it in mountains of Crimea, on coast of Black Sea in Ukraine.

Cost of participation standard for GLC - $500

It include:

- transfer from and to airport and train station.
- transfer between hill's
- residing in hotels and motels
- ground training (kiting)
- video coaching
- seminar of safety
- rent GLS, GLX and few our or skydive canopies.

After reception of 10 applications we can be defined with terms of carrying out of camp.

I think about and of spring or beginning of summer 2006.

Instructor of camp - Jim Slaton and your staff.

You can send the applications to addresses [email protected] or [email protected]

Few info about Crimea: http://www.crimea-paragliding.com/english.htm
Mountian Fly School

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Required Witnessed Tasks

1. Attends and completes “basic” ground school.

2. Layout and preflight canopy and harness.

3. Demonstrates ability to properly connect to canopy with cleared lines and risers before inflation.

4. Demonstrates canopy handling skills sufficient to launch from training hill with control.

5. Ability to launch unassisted with an aggressive inflation and run, directional control and smooth transition from running to flying avoiding stall or near stall position

6. 5 predetermined flights to show directional control, control input awareness, smooth straight flight and a smooth, safe stand up landing into the wind within 100ft of target

7. Ability to recognize and understand how wind conditions such as wind direction, wind velocity, terrain shape and obstructions will affect their launch and flight.

8. Demonstrates proper post landing procedures such as canopy deflation, immobilization, removal from landing area and disconnection from canopy with cleared lines and risers.

9. Must pass GL-1 “Basic” written exam.


1. Slope angle not to exceed 45 degrees.

2. Fly in winds not to exceed 12 mph.

3. Fly sites for appropriate skill level.

4. Fly recommended canopy suitable for beginner pilots.

5. Fly under direct supervision of GL Certified Instructor.


Level 1- 500ft or less with a slope angle that does not exceed 45 degrees.

Level 2- 500-1,000ft with a slope angle that does not exceed 45 degrees.

Level 3- 1,000-1,500ft with a slope angle that does not exceed 45 degrees.

Level 4- 1,500-2,000ft with a slope angle that does not exceed 45 degrees.

Level 5- 2,000-2,500ft with a slope angle that does not exceed 45 degrees.

Level 6- 2,500-3,000ft with a slope angle that does not exceed 45 degrees.

Level 7- 3,000-3,500ft with a slope angle that does not exceed 45 degrees.

Level 8- 3,500-4,000ft with a slope angle that does not exceed 45 degrees.

Level 9- 4,000-4,500ft with a slope angle that does not exceed 45 degrees.

Level 10- 4,500-5,000ft greater with a slope angle that does not exceed 45 degrees.

*If slope angle is greater than 45 degrees the level increases by one.


Calm winds-less than 7 mph

Moderate winds- 7-12 mph

High winds- greater than 12 mph

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We here have a little conferred and have come to conclusion, that residing and transport we shall exclude from the base price of the first GL-1 camp.

You need add $150-200 for:

- transfer from Simferopol to Level-1 hill - $16
- hotel or private app. - from $5 per night
- transfer between Level-1-2-3 hill's - $5-10
- car climbing to top of hill (if it can) - $1.5-$3

Soon we open website about GLC and Euro GL Camp's on Russian and English language.
Mountian Fly School

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The GLC's 2006 ground launch camp in Ukraine is taking place May 20-25, 2006. The camp will take place in the incredible Crimea Mountains which has level 1-10 launch points! The camp will be run by GLC instructors Jim Slaton & Duane Hall. Everyone participating in the camp will meet up at the Borispol international airport in Keiv, Ukraine. The group will then fly from Borispol to Crimea and take vans to the launch points. Lodging and cafe is located right on top of the hills at the level 1 area. Launch points have roads leading to the top allowing the group to use vehicles to shuttle pilots to launch points. To join the camp and confirm your slot you must pay the non-refundable deposit of $250. Max slots available is 25.

More info: http://www.canopypiloting.com/home.asp?ItemID=314&rcid=80&pcid=79&cid=80
Mountian Fly School

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