
Do U Need 2 Adjust Flare 4 different canopies?

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Been reading the SIM about finding the sweet spot for flaring. I haven't really ever gone thru the 9 steps thing to find the best flare...

BUT have found that the three second flare and hold it, works pretty good for me to level off and glide straight and low so I can stand up.

This 3-second flare was kinda hit and miss with the 280 manta that I was training on, but now that I'm on a 220 triathalon, it surprised me how NICELy it levels off and glides for me!

Should I be checking out diferent flaring techniques while up high to find the best way to flare for final? Will I need to do this everytime I use a different size and/or type of canopy?

Is there an easier way for me to find a canopy's sweet spot other than going thru that 9-step (in the USPA 's SIM) or by trial and error?

I wanna figure this out...But it is puzzling.


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Is there an easier way for me to find a canopy's sweet spot other than going thru that 9-step (in the USPA 's SIM) or by trial and error?

Trial and error, eh? ;) My advice (and it's pretty common) is to get out on a few crew passes and play around w/ the canopy up high. I jumped a new-to-me size last weekend and that's what my first jump was. I'd flown this model before, but not this size, so I went up to see how it would behave.
Every canopy is going to behave differently and landing is not the place to discover this.
A crew pass will give you plenty of time to really wring a canopy out. Go up there w/ a plan (i.e. your checklist) and really give the canopy a workout. Remember everything you can about how it reacted to various inputs and write it all down when you get on the ground if need be.
Billvon's checklist is a good one to go through, regardless of whether or not you're ready to downsize just yet. For where you are, pay particular attention to and focus on points 1 and 2. Wait a while before you attempt the rest.

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Should I be checking out diferent flaring techniques while up high to find the best way to flare for final? Will I need to do this everytime I use a different size and/or type of canopy?

Yes, to both questions.

It gets easier once you start jumping the same canopy time after time. Every canopy flares differently, and you'd be smart to try to figure out the required input before landing.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Every canopy you jump will fly and land differently, so yes, you need to really practice up high. Flying around like "Gumby" under canopy with no real flight plan is a complete waste; have a plan for every skydive from the time you exit the door until your feet touch the ground.


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Even two identical canopies can flare differently depending on the size of the harness that its in as well as the length of the brake lines and risers. Most of that isn't very obvious until you start jumping smaller designs, but it does have at least a little effect on all designs and sizes of parachutes.

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Hi, SkyMonkey!

At the risk of sounding STUPID- please, can you clarify something for me? I'm gonna paraphrase:

You stated that from exit to landing after final approach you should always have everything (?) planned and not being flying around like "Gumby"

At this point in my experience, I am usually under canopy by 4K. I do plan out landing approach, and where I want to be at 1k, but other than that-
I thought it was perfectly OKAY to "play" under canopy until 1K... Am I wrong in thinking this way???

I'm planning on jumping this weekend and am starting to think about want I need/want to do...So I appreciate your input!


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I thought it was perfectly OKAY to "play" under canopy until 1K

Playing until 1k will most likely put you in other peoples traffic pattern. An incredibly inconsiderate thing to do is be spiralling around or flying erratic at that altitude. If you aren't in someone's way now (bigger canopy) you soon will be. Instead focus on learning your canopy about 2k. From there on down it's fly a considerate pattern and set up levels, or if you're too high to fly your pattern, hold in your designated holding area until your altitude is good for moving into the pattern.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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I usually do my "play" away from the approach area- and AM working my way towards set up around 1.5K.
but at this point, I'm the last one out, anyways. And I am looking out for others too.

But pulling higher than other more experienced jumpers, like I've been told to do, so far, being in the way has not been a factor.

I don't understand.

WHY wouldn't it be OKAY to play under canopy??? As long as I'm in a safe place and NOT in the way of others?

I'm learning at a small two cessna dz right now. & is the only place I jump. When I go somewhere else, I'm sure different rules will always apply AND also later on when I'll be pulling and under canopy at a lower altitude with lesstime under canopy- -I can see how that'd be a big issue.

BLUE! - LiLa.

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Hi LiLa,


I usually do my "play" away from the approach area

Always play out of the approach area.


I'm the last one out, anyways. And I am looking out for others too.

Never assume even if you're last out that you'll be first down. What if someone had a premature deployment or pulled high and you didn't know?


WHY wouldn't it be OKAY to play under canopy??? As long as I'm in a safe place and NOT in the way of others?

It is absolutely OK to play under canopy. My comments were more directed at where you play and what altitude you stop playing at. Learn as much about your canopy as you can, just do it far away from the main pattern and at a safe altitude. :)

I'm learning at a small two cessna dz right now. & is the only place I jump. When I go somewhere else, I'm sure different rules will always apply AND also later on when I'll be pulling and under canopy at a lower altitude with lesstime under canopy- -I can see how that'd be a big issue.

Definately, but the habits you learn today, are the ones you'll apply "tomorrow" when it is a bigger factor. No-one's saying don't have fun, learn and play. Instead I'm just trying to get you to start thinking about things that will come into play later, now.

Blues :)Ian
Performance Designs Factory Team

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My advice was not that you could not "play" under canopy, only that you ought to have a plan for your playing. If you are dumping at four grand then you ought to be working on the canopy skills which are required in the ISP. Open, find the dz, then work on those tasks until it's time to enter the downwind portion of your landing pattern (somewhere between 1500 and 1000 feet).


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I apreciate your patience with this newbie- me.
Flying my canopy is the funnest part for me right now.
Just want to figure out all the cause and effect and what's the best method with the canopy that I'm flying.
I was on a 280 only 3 jumps ago, and now down-sized to 220. I don't really got the feel of this one yet...And Next will be jumping a 260 that I packed - first time pack job, too! YIKES:S!
...That could be an interesting jump...

WAY up high at altitude I'll play just a bit after doing control checks. BUT when I do 360 spirals, it worries me that something could go badly wrong, cause it swings me out so much more at a paralell to the ground than the 280 chute did. I STOP if it feels squirrely, tho, and do control checks if needed.

ANY tips regarding what NOT to do and WHY? ALSO RECOVERY METHODS for stalls, collapse, etc...
AND "symptoms" to know for these beginning malfunctions???


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