
Something Learned Once Demo's Were Gone

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I like flying the canopy. I want to learn to swoop.

There is a lesson in this story so bare with me.

As many of you are aware I have recently demoed a Sabre2 170, Spectre 150 and borrowed a Stiletto 150. Now I have been flamed here on DZ for the last two choices and probably rightly so as I was going against the grain. But filtering through the flammage I found some helpful advice; it was suggested that perhaps I could do more on my Tri 175 then I thought I could. Now being the stubborn individual that I am, it took me a few days to really process this. I am actually open minded, sometimes it just takes me awhile to get there. ;)
So on Friday I took the ole Tri out for a 'spin' :D to see what could be done. A cone was in the landing area and I decided to use it for my landing target. I did a 90 degree front riser carve continued using fronts to steer at the cone and keep some speed up and bam, I came within one foot of it all while surfing my Tri to a one step. Very cool and very FUN!!. I did it again on a second jump only this time there were people (on the ground) in the way so I steered right by them (not too close mind you) for another surf to a one step. Hmm, interesting, didn't think I could do stuff like that with this 'ole thing'.
There was something else I read from another poster here that motivated me to work harder on the Tri and that was, "It is the pilot, not the canopy..." Very valuable quote, I viewed it as a new challenge, a personal challenge.
Lesson: Perhaps it is true that one should wring out the performance of their current canopy before moving on. This doesn't mean I don't want a 150, it just means I am not in as big of a hurry as I was a week or two ago.

I was pleasantly surprised on Friday. I am going to keep working with my Tri for awhile and I would appreciate any advice on techniques to use for good surfing.


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I am going to keep working with my Tri for awhile and I would appreciate any advice on techniques to use for good surfing.

Don't worry so much right now in terms of maximizing the surf on your Tri. Instead try to work on your ability to accurately swoop an imaginary (or real) line using front riser 90s. Once you can consistently swoop the line, then you can progress to the next tasks and always try to work on BillVon's list of essential canopy control skills in the mean time.

Good luck ... have fun ... be safe ... always have an out and be prepared to use it ...

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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ahh crap. Now I gotta worry about another pilot coming up and kicking my ass ;)

Keep making decisions like this and working on it as hard as you are and you're going to be blowing away peeps in no time.

Stay safe. See you on the battlefield B|

Blue ones,
Performance Designs Factory Team

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