Gath retractable visor

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I saw Mike Ortiz did some sitflying with his Gath Retractable Visor in his Party Mix video. It seems okay to him but I can imagine I might get choke in it while stand up or sitflying. I am not too sure if my home dz will let me jump with it. You could give him a ring or message about it - school@advancedflight institue.com

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thats right. I think i saw the same video (im not sure what was it called , but i guess it was that "partymix") And yes, I also remember that he was also sitting with it. But, at least on the video he was mostly doing headdown.

I also think my DZ might not let me jump with it , but im pretty sure if it was some of the Heros who was jumping with one, it would be no problemo... But hey thats how it should be.

Thanks for the info. Maby I will email him and ask about it.


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I have one, they are great till the visor blows off:(:$, I was in a sit when I lost it. I was wearing a wrist mounted camera though so got its farewell on tape. Somebody remind me to post pics later on;)

They don't choke you (act like a drogue etc), even when my one blew off, I hardly noticed.

I got my one very cheap from a friend in Australia. I'd have another one, but I would fix the visor in the 'down' position with some screws or something.

The visors are very prone to scratching.


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...3.....2.....1.... CLEAR - *BANG* - BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP

Needed to revive this thread :P

I'm interested in the Gath helmets with retractable visors. How have other people got on with them? I see the Babylon freefly team use them alot in all sorts of orientations.

Are people wearing normal goggles underneath these for head up flying or is there some weird effect on the air meaning it doesn't get a rush of air in behind the visor?

EDIT: Pic attached. Pinched off Babylon website

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Where would the air already behind the visor go if you got a rush of air in?

I'd guess it's not a problem. Having jumped without goggles I don't think you ever really need 100% wind protection.

I did wonder if there was some sort of effect like this. Cheers

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