
Safire landings

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I am just curious as to why everybody thinks that Safires are so hard to land. I have only jumped mine like 10-15 times, but I don't think it's hard to land like all I have read on here from people saying. So if you think that your safire is/was hard to land, would you explain why?


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Safires have a different flare point then a PD canopy. Most people fly PD with its short flare point then when they jump Icarus they have hard landings since they are trying to land it like a PD canopy. I'd guess most people start on the Safire and not another product so they take it out on the canopy and not themselfs. Icarus has a long toggle stroke and flare point. PD's is about mid chest while Icarus, Atair and a few others are more hip level or lower.

You need to do practice flares up high to learn the flare point on any canopy whe nyou first start jumping it. And do every flare by feel, not muscle memory. CobaltDan has a post on canopy control and balence... search for that and it will get you started in the right direction.
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Initially I didn't care for the landings on my safire but I was a new jumper on a new to me and different than what i trained on canopy.
I'm now starting to get this canopy dialed in and the landings are getting much better.

Blue Skies Black Death

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I'm now starting to get this canopy dialed in and the landings are getting much better.

It took me almost 100 jumps to get the landings really dialed in on this canopy, now that they are I think it's one of the sweetest canopies in its class.

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I have to admit that, even after 200 jumps on it, I was never able toi "dial in" the landings (possibly since I' loaded it to the max). I got the mod done (www.jumpergirl.com) and it has transformed my landings. Highly recommended.

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