
Question about wingsize

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How will, for example a spectre 150 and a spectre 190, perform if the two are loaded the same, lets say 1,3.
Is there a big diffrense, if so how much must you load the 190 to make it perform as a 150.
(I know my spelling sucks but what can I say I am from Sweden) = )

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in Skydiving No. 20/June 2001 Scott Miller from Performance Designs explains this situation very well.
He gives an example with Marco weighing 190 lbs. and flying a 190 sq.ft. canopy e.g. Sabre at 1:1 wingloading, and his girl friend Sue on a 135 sq.ft. Sabre weighing 135 lbs, also at 1:1 wingloading. Both on the same canopy model and the same wing loading - will their canopy perform the same?
No, it won't. John LeBlanc explains during a canopy seminar that canopies of different size will not have the same flight charcteristics and performance only because they are loaded the same. Because both canopies fly through the same type of air. Sue perhaps is 30% lighter than Marco and flies a canopy 30% smaller, but the air molecules (is this right in english????) she is flying through will not be 30% smaller, and will not be 30% thicker.
Also a smaller canopy has shorter lines thus reacting faster than the bigger canopy with the same wingloading. Sue's canopy will be faster in turns and input reaction and at the same time more unforgiving of pilot errors than under the bigger canopy.
Hope I could help you.
Blues Marcus
Perfect speed, my son, is being there. - Jonathan Livingston Seagull

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