
Should I buy an Eclipse container?

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I have just finished my AFF and I am starting to look for a rig. At my drop zone I have found 2 which are an excellent fit, and both come with a main and reserve suited to my skill level, and cypress and are both going for about $2800.
Both containers are the Eclipse, and I am getting conflicting opinions about whether this is a good deal or not.
On one hand I am told that the price is right and it fits well so its a good deal. On the other hand I have also been told that the manufacturer has gone out of business(I found their website, but it has not been updated for a couple years), and that I will have trouble selling it in the future when I downsize.
My search of these forums and elsewhere has turned up little info on the Eclipse, but the few posts I have seen indicated that people seemed to be staying away from them.
Any info which all of you can offer about the Eclipse, good or bad, as well as insights into whether this is a good choice for me would be excellent

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The Eclipse is still being produced. The company also makes tandem rigs that are pretty popular on the West Coast so I can't see them going out of business anytime soon.
One of my coworkers had two Eclipses and he liked them. Never had a problem with open flaps and he flies in all body positions.
I'd say if the harness fits you and the canopy sizes are good for your weight and experience go ahead and buy one. See if you can jump it a couple times before putting down your cash just to be sure you like the way it feels on your back.
pull and flare,
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Therefore, I am perfect!

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Eclipse. I almost bought one myself a while back. Like Lisa says, they are not about to go out of business; their tandem rigs are just too popular for that to happen. I made the requisite amount of jumps on the rig to get the qual and really liked it. Also, the sport rigs they have are pretty attractive in my opinion. Raeford Frigid Air jumped them and Muffy Davis still jumps hers.

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