
Chat room?

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Hey Sangrio, ever thought of a chat server? (registered users only of course to cut down on party crashers and trolls)
And is it possible to flip the "check spelling button" and "continue/clear" buttons? I hardly spel chek (lol) and
prefer to just send the message. besides, I keep hitting spell check instead of continue all the time cuz I gotta scroll down to see the rest.

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Hey Geoff (jou IP adres gee jou weg!)
Die probleem met Chat Rooms is dat dit heel gereeld jou server se geheue tap tot die punt waar alles anders ook stadig begin raak. Ek het al oorweek om 'n chat room op te sit wat op 'n ander server geinstalleer is... sal nog sien. 'n Verdere probleem is dat die moeilik is om 'n chat room te modereer - voor jy kan se poep-in-die-bad is almal buite beheer, misbruik die fasilitiet en dan's daar 'n gemors om op te ruim...
Ek's nie teen die idee nie... ek moet net nog 'n model vind wat ek dink werk.
Safe swoops

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You mean you didn't get that.... ;)
The problem with chat rooms are that they frequently bog down your entire server making not only the chat room but also the rest of the site slow. I've considered a few options including hosting the chat room on a remote server - I'm still considering that. A further problem is that it is hard (to almost impossible) to moderate a chat room. A few unpleasant characters can easily create an experience and environment that reflects negatively on the host.
I'm not against the idea - I'm merely still looking for a model that I can live with. :)Safe swoops

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