
iFly pricing and other stuff

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Disclaimer: I don't work for iFly and generally don't know what I am talking about.

About two years ago I bought bulk time at iFly Loudoun at the pre-opening rate of $860/hr. I have been using up that time in 10-15 minute increments since they opened. This weekend I used up the last few minutes on that account and inquired about adding more time.
The bulk account rate is $1,000/hr ($16.67/min). I and my "team" can use it as long as the names are on the account. I can't bring a random coworker or even a family member.
There is a return flyer rate that goes for $160 for 10 minutes and includes coaching and you can bring up to five people. You have to use it at 10 minute increments. You can't use more that 20 minutes in a single "block".
There is a "standby" flyer rate of $12.50/min but it does not say that you have to buy a bunch of it in advance. I am not sure I understand how the terms of payment work. The flying looks simple: show up and fly what ever time they can give you on the spot?
I also know that there are some coaches/instructors that buy really large blocks of time. You get coaching with them that includes the tunnel time at their low rate.

Other stuff:
iFly just recently changed the way they talk about arrival time and flight time. When you call iFly now, the time you are given is arrival time and NOT flight time. The staff will tell you to be there at 10 for flight time at 11. The whole idea of "Blocks" is funny in the newer tunnels with the doors that can open and close while the tunnel is running. For first timers it make sense but for us it is very fungible.
This brings me back to those 10 minute blocks with coaching for $160. If you get 3 blocks, you can book 20 minutes in one "block" and 10 minutes in the next "block" so you can effectively get 30 minutes for up to 15 flyers. SO the whole "Block" idea is nice for the instructors and staff to plan their day but the flyers should arrange their own way around this.

If I am missing some point here, please let me know. I don't write this for your benefit, I write this to get the correct information so please help if you can
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You state - "I can't bring a random coworker or even a family member. " - seems like everyone has to do the "new flyer" package that includes training seminar before being able to get heavily discounted time p.s. I think I saw something somewhere that for bulk time folks may need to be IBA approved "level 1" qualified flyers (not positive on that).

I believe iFLY has written contract documents for block and standby time purchases. The wording is very detailed/technical/legal which can be a bit tricky to fully understand (my personal experience ).

It sounds like you need to make an appointment and have a face to face meeting with either the sales manager or general manager of the tunnel you fly at. Make a list of questions to ask at the meeting so you don't forget one. We are talking real money here so one needs too fully understand block time versus standby contracts etc.

iFLY covers their butt so you need to cover yours also. That way nobody goes away grumbling.

This link may be of some use - http://windgod.com/blog/getting-you-the-best-tunnel-time-rates/

Good Luck

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Disclaimer: I don't work for iFly and somewhat don't know what I am talking about.


There is a "standby" flyer rate of $12.50/min but it does not say that you have to buy a bunch of it in advance. I am not sure I understand how the terms of payment work. The flying looks simple: show up and fly what ever time they can give you on the spot?

I fly a lot of standby time, its great if you live close. First you will need a standby account, which requires you to put down 1hr of standby time, after you fly that time, you pay at the counter before or after your session, no need to keep money on your acct. The caveat is standby time must be booked 30min in advance of when you want to fly. Call and ask to see if they have any open.


There is a return flyer rate that goes for $160 for 10 minutes and includes coaching and you can bring up to five people. You have to use it at 10 minute increments. You can't use more that 20 minutes in a single "block".

I'm not 100% sure but I think this is incentive to bring 2nd, 3rd, 4th time flyers back. Not necessarily a good option for someone who has held a bulk account, can fly by themselves or is trying to learn a specific set of skills. For example, if you want to fly on your head, iFly would need to accommodate you with an instructor who is rated for that level of flying. But for the plebeian 2nd and 3rd timers all instructors are able to accommodate them.


Other stuff:
iFly just recently changed the way they talk about arrival time and flight time.

From my observations iFly has reduced the amount of employees on the clock and needs a 1 hr buffer (Arrival Time) to better manage volume/rotations and maximize sell-able time. Though, it can work out better for standby flyers because now iFly can sell near-term time from sessions in which the 1st timers canceled or were a no show.


This brings me back to those 10 minute blocks with coaching for $160. If you get 3 blocks, you can book 20 minutes in one "block" and 10 minutes in the next "block" so you can effectively get 30 minutes for up to 15 flyers. SO the whole "Block" idea is nice for the instructors and staff to plan their day but the flyers should arrange their own way around this.

Blocks are there for the instructors to have a schedule to rotate from. Any flyer will still have to adhere to the block scheduling, that is how iFly manages their time. I don't believe there is anyway around it. You can straddle blocks but the wind might shut down as the instructors rotate.

I personally don't want iFly holding any bulk money of mine, so I always pay through standby or the hourly rate of a coach.

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