
Ok i got my tracking fixed

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well on my last dive sunday i got my tracking down pat. I could REALLY feel it when i got that shape right is there an accurate way to tell how much forward speed you have?? I did have one problem. That was that if i just went straight to a delta with no middle ground i would rock all over the place. But if i brought my elbow back to my ribs and then put my arms back and pushed down with my feet i would take off like a bat outa hell and then some. Man i can't wait to see myself on video!! :)Now on to leg/centerpoint turns :)I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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When initiating a track the first thing you want to do (besides finding a clear heading) is to extend your legs until your knees are fully locked. Then roll your hips forward and suck in your gut. De-arch your spine, then cup your shoulders forward. The very last thing your should do is bring your arms back. Bringing them back too soon, before you have built up some forward momentum, will just result in tipping you head down. Also, to help with your stability, don't bring your arms any closer to your body than 45 degrees. Keeping them wide will give you a more solid base of support. Steer with your legs, and keep your head on a swivel.
On your next jump with video, ask the videographer to video your track, preferably from the side. A good coach or instructor should be able to help you realize your maximum flat tracking potential.
Have fun,
- Dan G

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I think long legs certainly help. Booties, too. The people I have seen who have trouble with a really flat track are those with the "natural arch". Also known as the "freefall accelerator", or, in some circles, "beer gut". They have trouble cupping their upper body. The best trackers I have seen are tall and thin. Once you get it all down, just make sure you don't track into the next county by accident.
- Dan G

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