
crappy weather, but still, productive day

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So, I'm in the instructor course this year, meaning I get a lot of student referred to me as "I need to practice" :ph34r:

The weather started out crappy today, so no one was in any hurry, a good environment for newer jumpers to chat about stuff. Since I like to chat a lot, this worked out just fine :$
My catch for today was:
- 2 guys for their 3-monthly "harness tests": taught them a lot about 2 out situations, in-plane emergencies, and most notably explained to one of them, a ~150 jump jumper, what exactly an RSL does and does not do and some ins-and-outs of an AAD. He had some notions about both but mostly had no clue. Took me a while, but then the light dawned and he got it!

Then a group of 3 newer jumpers was getting a show-and-tell about gear (risers, cutaway, RLS etc) and I got them passed over to me, so helped them understand about RSLs some more, explained the concept of a freebag, and enrolled them all into the upcoming creeper competition to boot.

Also I had to do preparation for my next course day, in which I will get to teach other instructor-wannabees about plfs. So, thought it was a splendid idea to get some practice in those myself, first! :S:ph34r:

Oh yeah I actually got one jump in late in the day, a tandemvideo, with unexpected splendid weather: a few clouds in the background to catch the low setting sun.

How good can life get?


ciel bleu,

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So, I'm in the instructor course this year, meaning I get a lot of student referred to me as "I need to practice" :ph34r:

The weather started out crappy today, so no one was in any hurry, a good environment for newer jumpers to chat about stuff. Since I like to chat a lot, this worked out just fine :$
My catch for today was:
- 2 guys for their 3-monthly "harness tests": taught them a lot about 2 out situations, in-plane emergencies, and most notably explained to one of them, a ~150 jump jumper, what exactly an RSL does and does not do and some ins-and-outs of an AAD. He had some notions about both but mostly had no clue. Took me a while, but then the light dawned and he got it!

Then a group of 3 newer jumpers was getting a show-and-tell about gear (risers, cutaway, RLS etc) and I got them passed over to me, so helped them understand about RSLs some more, explained the concept of a freebag, and enrolled them all into the upcoming creeper competition to boot.

Also I had to do preparation for my next course day, in which I will get to teach other instructor-wannabees about plfs. So, thought it was a splendid idea to get some practice in those myself, first! :S:ph34r:

Oh yeah I actually got one jump in late in the day, a tandemvideo, with unexpected splendid weather: a few clouds in the background to catch the low setting sun.

How good can life get?


Harness tests every 3 months!!!!!
Holy crap I LOVE this idea!

150 jumps and no clue????
I'm disappointed in his initial instructors and especially in him for doing all those jumps and having no clue about how his gear works...and not asking.

Sounds like to me that you are filling in one giant hole in training at your DZ. My congrats and wishes for continuing doing that for the young and clueless.
My hat's off to you.

Now...round up those bozos that are creating the holes, assuming they are at your DZ, and make them do a better job with the youngsters.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Thanks! :)


Harness tests every 3 months!!!!!
Holy crap I LOVE this idea!

It's a Dutch thing: up till your C license you have to do a harness test every 3 months if you want to jump.
Usually you go into the hanging harness, sometimes you get more of a Q&A.

In this case I did a Q&A and the 150 jump guy came with a question about a reserve procedure a girl did a week or 2 back. Which led to the (looong) RSL talk. Followed by a AAD talk because he was scared he was going to scare his (non-swooping) cypres. B|

Because I'm a curious type and want to know about just about everything, especially my gear, if I think up a question I go bug someone about it :ph34r: But some people need more spoonfeeding I guess :S

ciel bleu,

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Take it easy on his initial instructors!
They may have mentioned all that stuff, but students "power dump" data they do not expect to need on their next jump.
The only way to ensure that "nice to know" data remains - in longer term memory - is to repeat it every few months.

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