
Earliest Naked Jump

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On our way home, Lyle Cameron said we should stop for lunch, so we stopped at a bar along I-10. As we entered the bar (in mass) the bar tender went into a panic. To him we looked like an out of town gang so he called the local PD. The police came, IN FORCE! Hell, it looked like something out of a Blues Brothers film. You know, with black and white cars coming to a fast stop with all of the special effects tire sounds and lots of lights, and police running around and around trying to find out who is in charge. They made us all go outside (without our beer) and it was up against the wall MoFo. We were told that they didn't need our type there and we should LEAVE TOWN, LIKE NOW. Well we were not up to having a wall to wall talk with the local PD so we said, "yes sir, no sir, you are right sir, we are wrong sir" and we beat feet out of Dodge in my 69 Chevy van with smoke coming out of it. I don't think telling them that we just jumped nude into a resort would help our situation so we kept that one under check until we were way way down the road back to Hermosa Beach. It only took us about two miles before we started cracking up way out of control. The only thing we were very upset about was we didn't get any beer and I didn't get the thorns out of my butt until we made it all the way back to the Rumbleseat bar in Hermosa Beach. Damn, all we wanted to do Offisa was to have a little fun in the sun.

One month later I got my brother up in the air again at Elsinore. At first he had a hard time finding the right position to fall in. He was in a slow spin because of the extra drag on one side, or lack there of on the other side. Every time he came around I would slap him upside the head to stop his spin. He got the message about the 4th time around and everything fell into place after that.

The way you tell a story I can see it in my minds eye. You have a gift. You should use it more often.
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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Made my first nude jump on my 100th. It was may 1974.I was jumping a baby plane and Goose was jumping a PC. He made the mistake of letting me spot. He landed on a golf course and the pilot picked him up on the fairway...I made it back and got a beer bath from the ladies...

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