
Skydive Cancun/ Skydive Playa

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Does anyone have information about this drop zone? I will be going on a cruise in June and one of the ports is Cozumel Mexico. I think this dropzone is right there next to the port or at least a quick taxi ride to it. i have tried the phone number on the their website and get told that the number is no longer in service. Also, if anyone has ever been there can you comment on the dropzone and whether or not you would take someone there to make a tandem.

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I made a jump there a year and a half ago. It was alright. Definitely a tandem DZ, it didn't seem dangerous, I would take a friend to do a tandem there. The view of the coast was cool and landing on the beach was nice but it took me all day to make one jump. I wouldn't go to the trouble of hauling all of my gear down there again.

From Cozumel you would have to take a ferry to the main land but the DZ is right there on the dock in Playa about a block from the ferry.

Hope that helps.

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I am in Playa Del Carmen right now, and I stopped by the office for the "dz" about a week ago out of curiousity since it is next to the ferry peir to Cozumel and I had some time before the next ferry. They told me it was tandems only, but my spanish is not all that good so maybe there was a miscomunication.

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I have heard from someone before that it was a tandem factory. [:/]
Too bad. I was really looking forward to jumping while I was there. But I see the point about not wanting to take all day to make a jump. Dont want to spend my whole time there waiting. Thanks for the replys.

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