
thanks to Rob and Pitt Meadows DZ

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well I finally got a break in the weather and a chance to start down the road to doing this more regularly. Everyone at Pacific Skydivers were great and after a pretty smooth groundschool got up for 2 IAD jumps today. My arch needs work but went alright, and the rest of the jump went great on both occasions, both landings being soft standups.

To anyone in the Vancouver area wanting to learn, Pacific Skydivers were great and I really enjoyed the experience.

Now looking forward to the pff the next time the rain decides go a away for a few days.

Rob if you manage to read this I went back and looked up my old jump, I dont know how time flys that fast but it was almost 8 years ago, not 3, I guess I'f I remember it as 3 it means I'm not getting older ;)

thanks again


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Good dropzone, nice equipment. It is always good to get around and see what else is out there. When you get off of student status it might be worth your while to go out to chilliwack and check out Fraser Valley Skydiving. They are nestled in beautiful mountans, with at least one of the nearby mountains peaking at around jump altitude so you get groundrush (to some extent) upon leaving the plane. When I first started jumping in another province I stuck to the DZ where I learned, and only realized upon trying another one that it was more suitable to my needs than the one I started at (not neccessarily better). Again it will be in your best interest to try multiple dropzones as you will then have a better idea which dropzone is better suited to your needs (not neccessarily better overall.....I do not want to get into that).

That said there are some very nice people at Pacific and they have a big plane, so you may just stick with it once you have seen what else is out there, but it is in the interest of any new skydiver to try multiple dropzones (upon liscensing) so as to find what suits them.

Anyway, welcome to the sport, and nice to speak to you


My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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Wow Arai,

I have a hard time believing that it really was eight years.
You remembered the first jump course like it was last week. That is why we got through our review so quickly.
How much did you really study last week?

Blue skies,


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yeah I couldnt believe it myself when I got home and checked on the old one, I guess its the kind of thing that sticks in your head. I think some of the stuff comes natural due to my interest in aircraft, so a lot of it seems pretty common sense to me. I had been reading a bit about rigs lately too when I was reading about wingsuits as I was planning out what types of things I'd like to get in my future in the sport. I'm hoping to get a used rig to start with after 30 or 40 jumps and then get something new/newer when I get past 200 or so jumps.

hopefully its just that I pay attention and pick things up fast, cause I've still got a lot whole hell of a lot to learn, but I'm looking forward to it

anyway, I'm hoping for the sun to start shining more often so I can come down and start pff.

thanks again


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