
Bay-area dropzones?

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I'll be in Santa Clara, CA, in the second half of September. I'd like to make a skydive or two :)) (I am licensed), so recommendations are welcome. Which dropzone to go to?

Does it make sense to bring my own equipment (I am coming from Europe ;))?

Blue skies,

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If you're there on September 22-25 you could go to the Byron Boogie. See the thread here:

I'll let the NorCal Locals chime in on the various DZs since I've only spent a day or two at each.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I guess I will be arriving on the 25th (if not sooner). So, if I come sooner (23rd, maybe 24th), then I'll be there!

If not, I'll come anyway (I guess Byron dropzone is recommended in this way :)).

Any info on bringing my own gear? (can I borrow it for a couple of jumps -- what is the price for that, if anyone knows)?


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[disclaimer]I only have 75 jumps and don't have my license yet, so I may not know what the hell I'm talking about.[/disclaimer]

I'm sure that if you have an up-to-date reserve, license that you'll be good to go...as long as the equipment is within the past two decades and in good condition.

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Byron is closed Monday and Tuesdays. The Cessna 206 usually runs on Wed. - Fri. The King Air is always flying on the weekends.. sometimes on Fridays. Rental gear is $30 / jump. :)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Skydive Monterey Bay has great views of ... well, the Monterey Bay... which is really neat. It's open 7 days a week (Cessna 206 on weekdays, Otter on weekends or sometimes Thurs/Fri afternoon if enough people show up).
Figure about an hours drive from the south bay area.

Skydive Hollister is pretty good too if you're looking to do group jumps.

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thanks for the info. I suppose Byron is closest and most-visited DZ of all mentioned.

Probably, it is the closest to Santa Clara as well? I'll probably rent a car for a day, to get to the DZ, so it makes it more convenient if the DZ is closer. :)

Re GravityGirl: I jump a 150 Impulse (Atair).

All in all, I am looking for 2-6 fun jumps (RW, FF) with some of you, local guys and gals.

Hope to see you there - somwhere :)


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is Monterey getting enough traffic these days to run the Otter on weekends again?

And is it really open on weekdays, or only be reservation?

Yes they really are open on the weekdays, and yes the otter flies on weekends. Made 6 jumps Saturday from it, starting at 9am. The view is great, the winds can come up though mid-day.


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