
2-stage flaring on a sabre 150?

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I -hate- that term.

It places the emphasis on two distinct actions and when people get too wrapped up in that concept they have a tendancy to not have very good landings.

Better would be to have continuously appropriate control inputs. Smooth and appropriate control changes are much prefered over simply snapping the toggles between 1/4 brakes and full brakes.

At least, that's my opinion.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Ditto quade. Some of the students at our dz are taught a long slow flare as opposed to a "two stage" flare. Think of it more as flying your canopy all the way to the end, even as you are flaring.

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>Will i be needing a 2-stage flare?

You will need to fly your canopy all the way in to the ground. Get it leveled off with your toggles at 1 foot above the ground, then use the toggles to keep the wing level over your head and 1 foot off the ground. When you get to the end of the toggle stroke, you should be on the ground. At a little over 1:1, this shouldn't take too long; you'll flare, plane out for perhaps half a second, then touch down.

Make your first few jumps in a decent (5-8mph) wind; it will make the flare more similar to what you're used to under a larger canopy. The key is not just slamming both toggles down any more, but rather using them to stop your descent and to keep your canopy level over your head as you slow down. It takes a while to get used to.

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Blues, Alexander!

Your 'beer' jumps on ZP will be fun and the Greenies have already warned you of the '2 stage stereotypes'. Allow me to share my experiences from about jump #60 during Jr. RW skills camp.

If you're used to F-111 (mine was a 7 cell to boot) you'll find the sabre will glide toward the planet in a more shallow angle. You will likely be going faster (or think you are) and you MAY have a tendency to 'jerk' the toggles to begin with. Too much toggle at high speed and you will 'pop up' off the ground and then be forced to take 'corrective' actions. I did that ...ONCE.

Be SMOOTH. Practice up high and notice how little movement it takes to get you to 'rock forward' . THAT is what Mssrs Quade and Von are talking about as the 'plane out'. You will still be moving faster than you are used to, but relatively level with the ground. "Finishing the flare" is just adding toggle from that point until you come to rest on your tippy toes!

If you plane at 6 feet and stall the canopy in the flare ... you will fall 6 feet. If you plane at 6 INCHES ...well you could eventually be on your way to the 'swoop tour'. Flare 6 inches too late... well, read the incidents forum.

I found ZP to be much more predictable and have enjoyed every landing I've made on one since. I'm still saving for my own, though. Congrats on yours, you'll love it

Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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