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i am looking for my first rig and do not understand sizing and what i need (sunpath only lists container sizes and says nothing about harness size) and do manufacturers all follow the same guidelines for sizes? where could i go to get this info for javelin and other manufacturers.
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The best thing to do is talk to your local rigger about getting measuered for a rig then from those measurements deteremine what size harness you need to look for. The Harness and the container have seperate sizing concerns so you need to find a rig that matches both areas. The main things in the harness sizing is the Main Lift Web (MLW), this is the size of the webbing that goes from the three rings toward the hips. The other measurement is the laterals, these are the distance the harness sits from the container. These side pieces of webbing matter a lot in the comfort of the rig.
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Adding to Phree's post . . .

I read into your original post that you may be looking for a used rig. I suggest getting measured as Phree said, using the Odyssey order form, then emailing your measurements and the canopies you are planning on jumping to [email protected] explaining that you are looking for used gear. They will return a yoke size, main lift web size, lateral size, and container size. Then you can go shopping (they always have GREAT USED RIGS for sale as well).

Be aware that different manufacturers have different ways to determine the same measurements, so you really have to learn each one.

If you decide to go new, nothing beats having a rig custom built for you!

Good luck and good shopping!
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If you're buying new and custom, don't even worry about sizes - with your measurements and which canopies you'll be using the manufacturer will build you the correct container and harness size.

If you're buying used you can get a rough idea of the MLW size you'll need with the following formula - height in inches minus inseam in inches minus 20. Inseam measurement is generally from crotch to floor, without shoes. Example - I'm 5'8" (68 inches) with a 33" inseam. 68 - 33 - 20 = 15 so the best fit for me would be very close to a harness size of 15".

This is only a rough guide though. Your body weight and body shape may affect what size harness you need, and different container manufacturers do size harnesses a bit differently. Trying on a specific container in "your" harness size is the best way to determine if it's a good fit or if you need one 1/2 inch or an inch bigger or smaller.

Some manufacturers do not note the harness size anyplace on the rig. If that's the case with a container you are interested in you can email the manufacturer with the containers serial number and they can look up what size harness was on that container when it originally left the factory. Another good way to determine long distance if a particular harness will fit you is to compare your measurements - height, inseam and body weight especially - with the seller's.

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You don't need to know a thign about harness size if you're buying new gear -- just have someone take your measurements.

If you're buying used gear, harness size can be a good indicator, but it often helps to know what the build of the previous/original owner was like. Is he/she built similarly or differently to you, etc...

Also, articulated (fully ringed) harnesses can be resized by a good master rigger for 100-200 bucks.

I work in the equipment store at Skydive Chicago (Para Concepts), so feel free to email me with more questions. :)

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