
can't jump blues...

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:(Im sad...my hubby is on a road trip to TX to get our kids from his parents, I stayed behind to stay on top of the family business. He asked that I not jump while he is gone, since I only have 14 jumps I am respecting his wishes, but it stinks! Okay I am done pouting now...

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Well, if it makes you feel any better, at least you can jump when they return. I just had knee surgery so I'm out for the season! B|

After months of bad weather here its finally sunny so I'm doing plenty of pouting! Until they get back we can at least pout together.[:/]

Just make sure that when he gets back he watches the kids while YOU jump! ;)


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Thanks :)
I tore my ACL (ligament) in my left knee when I flared a bit too high and apparently landed just the right (wrong) way.

Just remember that whenever a landing doesn't look or feel quite right...PLF!

A link to my Surgery thread. The surgery itself wasn't bad (I was out) the sitting around not being able to do anything has not been fun.

Oh and stitches under bandages wrapped under ace bandages, under a heavy leg brace = not very comfortable in 95 degree heat![:/]

I hope your family gets home soon so you can get back in the air ASAP!


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I know the feeling. Haven't jumped since late April. I've failed miserably on my job hunting. And you know everything comes due now to take what little cash I have left. Car registration, car inspection, repack, USPA membership, yada yada yada. Yep, don't think I'll be in the air until September sometime. I finally have more financial aid than tuition, so I've gotta put that free money to good use!!:P

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IMHO I don't have any business being there with out him anyway. At only 14 jumps...

Really? Why should your jump numbers matter? Has he ever asked you not to do other things without him? That sounds like a warning bell to me... [:/]
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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IMHO I don't have any business being there with out him anyway. At only 14 jumps...

Whoa! So he never had 14 jumps? He never went to the dz on his own? Sounds a bit odd to me, you need to get your ass to the dz.


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