
Looking Before Turning / Canopy Pattern

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All the time. Unfortunately 9 times out of ten it's some toggle monkey whipping out turns on their 170 trying to beat down the smaller canopies and succeeding in doing nothing more than cluttering up the landing area (AKA Stilletto kid from Skymonkeys post).

That said, our DZ is actively working on solutions to the small/large canopy dilema.

Blue skies
Performance Designs Factory Team

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It's not that S-turns are directly bad juju - so use them if you absolutely need to. But once the landing is done re-evaluate why you needed to use them (normally turning in too early) and try not to make the same mistakes on the next jump.

Exactly. S-turns really are great for losing altitude, when there's nobody else in the air with you. But when I see people doing really wide s-turns just to land close, when they're in a pattern with 20 other jumpers, it gives me the willies. I don't think they're intentionally trying to screw anybody else, or do anything unsafe -- I just think they haven't considered what it looks like to the other pilots in the air, and the pilots on the ground watching.

As canopy preferences change, canopy practices need to also. We need to fly in consideration of the other pilots: where they are, and what they're flying.

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My personaly thought is - anyone can do whatever they want under canopy and unless i know them personally, I stay away from them. If you wanna S turn go right ahead as I'm watching my own rear-end...

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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