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Im doing my AFF next summer, and i have heard that it is a good idea to get packing out of the way before that. - not sure what u think about that?

ive searched around on the net and found a few tutorials on the subject, but they are all very obscure. basically i want to know what a packing course entails and what sort of proof i get at the end.



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i have heard that it is a good idea to get packing out of the way before that. - not sure what u think about that?

It's definately a good idea to get your packing sorted as soon as possible. Not being able to pack will slow your jumping down.


basically i want to know what a packing course entails and what sort of proof i get at the end.

What you're aiming to get is a packing certificate, which is signed off by an instructor then endorsed by the BPA. As I remember it, to get a packing certificate you need to: detach and re-attach a canopy from the container, pass a tangle test (ie someone mangles the canopy up and you have to take out all the twists) and of course pack the canopy into the container. A packing course should cover some, if not all, of this.


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i know i should really learn it before next summer, but im not coz i cant get down to the dz. so ill probably do it over the course of the week that i do my AFF (the dropzone near me does it as a 1week course), ill be staying there i expect coz i cant get my dad to bring me down each day. it doesnt take a huge amount of time learning to pack does it?

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I wanted to take my packing class while I was healing from a broken bone, but my packer recommended waiting until I was back in the air and closer to the end of my progression. It made sense because I can apply what I've learned to actual packing and there's less chance of forgetting anything.

As far as taking a huge amount of time to learn to pack, God I hope so, because my life is depending on it.

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Packing is something you need to do in order to first remember how to do it and later to be proficient at it.

If you're going to subsidize your skydiving career with packing, starting ASAP is a fine idea - training, gear, jumping, gear, jumping, travelling, jumping all aren't inexpensive.

Otherwise, you probably want to wait until you'll be jumping gear you can pack regularly (some DZs run slow enough that you can pack the rental gear you'll be jumping, some don't so it may mean waiting until you buy a rig).

It's pretty much independant of actually jumping, although knowing how to pack obviously makes jumping less expensive and means not having to wait for a packer...

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