
Making T-shirts for a skydiving club

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I run the skydiving club at my college. I am the only person on campus that is liscensed but we get around 40 tandems that jump each semester. I'd like to have tshirts made up but I am at a complete loss as to what I want on the shirt. I'm pretty sure that i want "For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return. " on the back up top and in the center. but no idea for the front. we dont really have a logo. the website i made is at http://ecampus.bentley.edu/org/skydiving/ if anyone has any ideas or is good with photoshop and wants to help (please!!!) i would really appreciate it. i need to keep costs down so multi color images/text is pretty much out. thanks.


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I've designed a couple shirts for the club i was president of. First was a double sided, multi-colored shirt, then the second one was single color, single sided to save money. HERE's the second one.

I decided to go with a red shirt, which was more expensive than white or gray, but I figured it would sell better to our students since everyone wears red shirts to the basketball and football games.

I made a few different versions of the design... the one shown has a canopy, another had a swooper, and a third had a head down freeflyer. I went with the canopy since it's the most universal and the first timers will associate with it the most... and hopefully buy it.

Just keep it bold, and something that a one-time-only skydiver might wear. You can also "prototype" your design by ordering one through http://www.zazzle.com which is what I did except with a red-on-white design.


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You might try contacting Jumper Sportswear (they've got a big ad in the December Parachutist). They'll put your logo on any of their tshirt designs - and if you don't have a logo they've got some "stock" logo designs they can customize for you.

Decent prices too - you could probably make some $$ for the club by selling them.

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can i get some opinions on this?

I like! And the back is "generic" enough that I'll bet some (non-jumper) pilots and other aviaition enthusiasts would buy one.

sweet. im wondering how i should have it laid out though. do you think the front should be centered at the top of the shirt or do you think it should be wear the pocket would normally go (where most shirts have the logo on the front).


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Check out what your dropzone is selling. They've probably put a bunch of thought into it and deal with one timers all the time, you know?

Me and pilotdave come from the same club, and I liked the old shirts better. Sorry Dave. They seemed to sell quicker, too, to me anyway.

My favorite skydiving T is one from skydive alabama. The front just has their logo on the left breast. The back has a big picture of a landing (8" tall), with SKYDIVE ALABAMA vertically on either side and the caption "Take risks not to escape life..." "but to prevent life from escaping" above and below.

To apply that to your design, go with your name big and bold centered on the front with the jumper.

For the back, I would say work in at least "bentley skydiving" somewhere. Exposure is your friend. B| Also, I'd think try to avoid just a square block of text. It's not as appealing as it could be. Maybe try to shape the text or add a bit of art.

Add flair to your flare, but don't break when you brake. :D:D:D
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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I've always liked just a logo over on the left side of the chest - looks more classy IMO.

Just curious, why the word "The..." in the name; is there "Another..." club out there too? Could save you on lettering.

Also, be sure to add a web address to it (maybe on the back) - gives people an easy way to reach your group:)
Z-Flock 8
Discotec Rodriguez

Too bad weapons grade stupidity doesn't lead to sterility.

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One thing you might want to check on... I'm guessing it's not an issue at your school, but at Maryland, I wasn't allowed to put "University of Maryland" on anything I sold. The club was always the "College Park Skydiving Crew" and then became "Maryland Skydiving" to try to fit in more with the other club sports, but we could never be "University of Maryland Skydiving." The reason was we were associated with the university (an official club) but we didnt represent the university like the basketball or football team does. Probably just a silly rule they have to ensure students need to spend $30 on any shirt that says "University of Maryland" on it.

We were also allowed to use any university logo on anything, as long as we didn't make money on it. We put a nice university logo on some jackets we had made up, but being somewhere in the area of $170 each, the club actually absorbed the majority of the cost so it was allowed.


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Yeah, it was the same way at Georgia Tech. We had some shirts made up several years ago (mini-blind cords) that said "Georgia Tech Skydiving" in several places.

When I took over running the club, I went back to the powers that be to get permission to make up some more, and they told me I was not allowed to use "Georgia Tech". Evidently it's a registered trademark or something, and they would not allow anyone else to use it to make money.


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One more thing... if you plan to do white print on a black shirt, make sure they guarantee the white will be white, not gray. When I was getting quotes for our red shirts, one company suggested the design should be screened twice to ensure no red shows through the white. The cost of doing that is still less than a two-color design because they'll reuse the same silkscreen. But the company we went with didn't make the same suggestion and a little red ended up showing through, giving the lettering a slightly pink appearance.

Course I wouldn't mind gray as much as pink...


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I like it!

Actually one thing you might want to check into before ordering... the lettering on the front fades toward the top. That may not be possible or look very good with silk screening. They might be able to make it look great, just be sure to ask before submitting the design.


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