
Helmets for AFF students????

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I did my first tandem jump on sunday and would like to start AFF pretty soon. I had severe cheek flop during the freefall which in turn let air under my goggles that blurred my vision pretty bad. This blurred vision watery eyedness made me somewhat uncomfortable. The most obvious fix seem like a full face helmet? Is there such a thing as going to a full face too soon ? All thoughts and opinions appreciated.

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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I just finished AFF and did not have this problem...although my cheeks did flap.

My grain of advice would be: Make your goggles fit tighter, and don't drop $100+ on a full-face helmet in a sport that you aren't 100% sure you'll be participating in enough to ever need a full face helmet for.



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It is my limited understanding that most dropzones do not allow AFF students to wear full face helmets. I don't know the exact reason but I think it had something to do with not being able to see the student's facial expressions. . .at Elsinore they use frap hats for the tandems and ProTech helmets for the students. On the ProTech helmets the goggles are worn inside the helmet so you don't get the wind under the goggles syndrome. . .
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Heh my cheeeks flapped and then some in all the pictures and video I don't even look like myself, I'll post one up tommorow so everyone can get a good laugh :)

Looking forward to it :P

Check out the Flex-Z's. I think you'll be quite satisfied with them.
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Heh my cheeeks flapped and then some in all the pictures and video I don't even look like myself, I'll post one up tommorow so everyone can get a good laugh :)

Looking forward to it :P

Check out the Flex-Z's. I think you'll be quite satisfied with them.

Thanks for the recommendation, I didnt have anything on my head for my tandem so between the vanilla ice hair and cheek to neck flap I look sort of goonish heh

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Check out the Flex-Z's. I think you'll be quite satisfied with them.

Yep, nice goggles. . .I have them also. My roommate bought them for me the day I made my first AFF jump. . .he said I wouldn't like the student goggles. . .so I was quite happy to get them. . .been great for me.
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I agree with the comments about making sure your goggles fit nice and snug. Try them on before getting on the plane. I recently bought my first pair of goggles and wasn't allowed to wear them during my last AFF level because they're tinted. My JM said he needed to see my eyes.
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They were pretty tight, even left circles when i took them off once we touched down. It seemed to have a lot to do with my cheeks flapping around heh . Believe me you'll see what I mean when i get I post a pic tomorrow.. But then again it was my first jump so I have no idea but I'll probably order a pair of the clear goggles recommended above.

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Full face helmets somewhat restrict visibility, mostly downward, ie. cutaway and reserve handles. If you wear glasses, you probably also have to very quickly get the helmet visor open after canopy opening, to avoid fogging your glasses. So, better to be a bit more experienced with the sport before adding that complication.

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Heh my cheeeks flapped and then some in all the pictures and video I don't even look like myself, I'll post one up tommorow so everyone can get a good laugh :)

Fear not! we are all pretty flappy and ugly looking in freefall:P:D

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My friend and I were at Skydive San Diego one day and happened to watch a video of this guy who had just done a tandem. Now mind you the guy was very fit. . .nice build. . .great muscle tone. . .but he had THE WORSE face flap I had ever seen. I was absolutely terrified that my video of my AFF level 1 would look just like that. It was bad but not that bad. . .we all get it to some degree. . .do not let it bother you.
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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You gotta wait until you are off of student status, homie.

I have an OXYGN A-3 that I use, and it really does restrict your vision a little more than you would think. I use that, or a half-shell Pro-Tec, just depends on the weather.

You can get a really good set of goggle for under $25. Check out the Airfoil goggles on www.baddogservices.com

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Try clear goggles from three or more different manufacturers and crank the strap down so tight it is almost uncomfortable.
As for full-face helmets on freefall students .. we allowed Dan Low to wear a Para-Sport Italia full-face helmet on his last few PFF dives. He was already doing well. The main criterian was that he was able to locate his release and ripcord handles while wearing his full-face helmet.

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Cool thanks for the replys everyone , I'm going to check out both brands of goggles recommended and go from there. I signed up for AFF 1 and will start class saturday morning :) I didnt get my disc back yet so i'll post the cheek flap pic tomorrow. Thanks again

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Full-face helmet use will depend on your local DZ policies. A DZ in the south-east allowed me to train a student with a full-faced helmet (she had a tremendous anxiety problem with wind blowing on her face) - the DZ I now work for has a strict Pro-Tec policy.

Many DZ's don't allow full-face helmets for the reasons everyone is posting, as well as better ability to hear the radio wearing a Pro-Tec.

It has also been discussed in the past that a Pro-Tec is often better protection for your melon than most skydiving-specific helmets.

I have had elderly students with lots of "flap" that could see just fine. I suspect good goggles are a much better answer. The person to discuss these factors with is your Instructor.

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