
Gramma Jumped Today

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Gramma, Age 80. There were a total of 3 generations jumping with her. (I took daughter).

Good jumps, for all, and there were about 20 people wearing this shirt!

The Houston Chronicle was there, so maybe some nice press will come.

Houston Chronicle Web Site
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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That's cool! I took my 72 year old Mother-in-law, Sister-in-law, and Brother-in-law on tandems over the Thanksgiving holidays. All went great and my Mother-in-law made the local paper, dz.com, and Senior's Circle Magazine. I love doing stuff like that. :)

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I hope something will be in the Houston Chronicle
(www.chron.com) on Monday.

I took my 71 year old former Boy Scout Master from 40 years earlier on a jump last May in AZ. We got nice press out of that one.

Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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A dear friend of the family has been so supportive of my skydiving... He's 72. I thought there would be some risk with seniors on there first tandem jump, with their heart or something else. I would hate myself terribly if something was to happen to him from my encouragement to try it. Is there any info about this other than these experiences? He's in great health, he works out everyday... I hope this doesn't sound naive, I am serious in inquiring

The mighty ocean has but one taste, the taste of salt. Even so, the true way has but one savor, the savor of freedom.

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A dear friend of the family has been so supportive of my skydiving... He's 72. I thought there would be some risk with seniors on there first tandem jump, with their heart or something else. I would hate myself terribly if something was to happen to him from my encouragement to try it. Is there any info about this other than these experiences? He's in great health, he works out everyday... I hope this doesn't sound naive, I am serious in inquiring

The seniors that ask me about skydiving that have prior or current health issues, I recommend to them that they ask their doctor about what they want to do. I volunteer to give them a video to take to their doc so he can get a better feel for what they will experience.

There are a lot of seniors out there who are healthy as a horse . . . maybe a little less limber or a little less strong than they used to be, but perfectly capable of making a skydive.
Arrive Safely


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I read the PM before I saw your post. This is a repeat.

I don't know of anything in particular concerning older people skydiving and their health concerns. I imagine the same health considerations apply as for anyone else. A history with heart complications, lack of mobility due to broken bones, sinus troubles, vision imparements, asthma, etc would all be considerations. With older people in particular, their bones aren't quite as strong and are more prone to breakage due to brittleness. My Mother-in-law had actually had a previous minor heart attack. She decided to take the risk and I went along with it because she's such an outgoing person. She plays on a competitive tennis team and is always on the move. She just got back from a skiing trip with her daughter. I guess you just have to take each person's situation into consideration. Some you may feel can handle it safely and others may not. If it were even the slightest bit in question in my mind, I would not have gone through with it. You have to use your best judgement based on your experience. There's always a risk. You just have to accomodate for them and limit the risk as much as you can. Then again, I'm the type of person who likes to see people step out there and live life to the fullest no matter how old they are. Skydiving, to me, is doing just that. If your friend is in relatively good shape and is motivated to do it, I would support him just like you. Tell him, good luck!!!

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A dear friend of the family has been so supportive of my skydiving... He's 72. I thought there would be some risk with seniors on there first tandem jump, with their heart or something else. I would hate myself terribly if something was to happen to him from my encouragement to try it. Is there any info about this other than these experiences? He's in great health, he works out everyday... I hope this doesn't sound naive, I am serious in inquiring

My oldest passenger was the 72 year old dad of a jumper. He also shared my most recent CHOP. After messing with the spinner for a few seconds, I got him to arch hard for me one more time. He was quite aware of what was happening and did well. We had a nice sliding landing right in front of the cheering section. I'm sure he would have enjoyed the jump more if we didn't have the mal. B|

Mal shot by Travis Watson
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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So, Basically they have the same risks as everyone else... sore ears, flexibility, possible mal, aches n pains.
Im going to pass on this info, and talking to a Dr. is a great idea. Im probably the one who is more scared for his life than he is... LOL it won't be the first time in this sport (like students jumping my pack jobs,when i was learning)
Ultimately it will be his choice... my fingers will be crossed;)

The mighty ocean has but one taste, the taste of salt. Even so, the true way has but one savor, the savor of freedom.

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Actually, it will probably be good press for all local DZs. Skydive Houston was not even mentioned by name.

Yes it was: "Williamson went to her grandson's 18th-birthday bash and watched his solo jump at Skydive Houston in Waller." But that was in reference to an earlier jump I believe.

This was a very positive story. Wow!

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Hey Russel,

That is so awesome. Did your Grandma enjoy it??? I'm currently planning a similar event for my Grandmother's 80 b-day.

Grandma 80
Mom 60
Brother 40
me 35

Not to mention my uncle who used to be a parajumper in the Army will come back to do a jump with us as well. I think there will be about 10 people from my family participating (jumping).

I'm so excited!!! B|

Right on for you and your Grandma!

Ciao for now, g

Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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