
Downhill skiing with a rig. (anyone try this?)

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Anyone ever downhill ski and then 'pull' while moving fast down a steep slope? Will this get me under canopy so I can para-ski? Is a high performance canopy like a sabre too fast?

Just very curious about this. I used to ski a lot when I lived in Idaho and can handle myself in almost anything except the 'extreme' backcountry stuff.

I'm guessing most ski resorts wouldn't like it?

Anyone try this? B|

Edit: Just realized this might not count as a 'general skydiving issue'. oop

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Won't deploy. The bag will just sort of drag behind you (sliding down the hill after you) unless you're going really fast in which case it will drag until it opens and open in some bizarre orientation. Imagine what will happen, for example, if it opens facing left and you're doing 40mph. Footlaunches work much better, and are popular at bladerunning events.

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wow fast replies!

that's what i kind of figured. It would be fun to try but i can see how opening into a 90deg would really suck unless u were on a wide open face!

in a footlaunch do u lay the canopy out or have someone hold it up and start skiing straight down?

i would try this in the right area though. big powdery steep bowl like at the top of high altitude area where no trees are. :D

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dont listen to anyone here, just do it and make sure it is on film..

Then stick the film on the web and post the link...

What could possibly go wrong :S

DO IT....
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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Since speed scares the begeezus out of me, I'd thought of taking a tandem drouge with me and inflating -that- behind me on the downhill ski slope. :P

Oh, I've skied before, but only been able to stop by falling down when the speed gets going. As I said, flying downhill with all that speed is scary!

Might work for students such as me that would really like to learn how to snow ski! That, or put sticky wax on the bottom of the skies to slow me down until I learn! :S


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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> I dont BASE, but why wouldnt a 48" pilot being tossed into the wind on a
>slider down pack not work?

It would if you were going reeealy fast, but the parachute just might open facing the slope or 90 degrees to your direction of travel.

I still don't get the desire to deploy the parachute while moving; why not deploy while standing still, then inflate it and take off? Removes several variables from the equation.

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