
What if? (Toggle torn off)

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I land on my rear risers all the time (not every time, just a LOT of the time). Half of the time I don't transition to my toggles, I land 100% on my rears.

Its not a big deal, IF you practice with them quite a bit. CReW training will help you learn the controls of your canopy.

Toggles aren't the only way to fly your canopy, if you can only fly your canopies with your toggles, you need to wonder about your skill level and get help.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Before you try to land totally on your rears, talk to one of the really experienced canopy pilots at your DZ to get shown the correct stroke of the risers. Its very very easy to stall the canopy on your rears and you don't want to do that on landing.

Go up and do some rear riser stalls then see if you can smoothly pull the risers back and out to the sweet spot to plane the canopy out, then gently finish through to slow down while sliding on your feet, without stalling.

I'd spend a good number of jumps playing with it up top before bringing it down. When you do, do it on a straight in approach, nothing fancy and have the toggles in your hands, you can always be on final and change your mind if it doesn't feel right, going to your toggles instead of your risers.

You don't have that many jumps, so like I said, spend a lot of time practicing and get advice of the folks around you that see you fly your canopy. When explaining what you want to do make sure they know its a drill for if you lost a toggle on opening or broke a brake line, not for the swoopy swoop.:)
Good luck, have fun.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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My mentors in skydiving taught me this almost 33 years ago, and it is the rule I live by to this day...
If you can control what's above your head, land it. It doesn't have to be pretty, just as long as you walk away from a landing it is a good one. Many people have the MISCONCEPTION that somehow their reserve is "guaranteed" to work properly. Remember, it's a square parachute just like your main. Always, ALWAYS, land your main unless you know your going to be hurt trying to do so. "Better the devil you know..."

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Happened to a friend on a velo 111, he landed it on rears , stalled it and landed on his ass. He was ok, but he said next time he is on something that high performance, and the breakline snaps, it is going bye bye.


Was that Doug? If so... I was on that dive (and have the video)


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I wish I had the video from Eric Butt's broken brake line that he chopped. He had a line over on the reserve! He got it cleared at about 200ft and landed.

Think twice before chopping a perfectly landable main canopy.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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