
AFF time Question

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After looking over the price of AFF training, I wanted to ask a question. Would it be better to save up (3 months) the total cost, then complete AFF in the shortest time or break it up to one weekend a month and start now? [:/]

There are 2 types of people in this world: those who like Neil Diamond and those who don't. --Bill Murray

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There's ups and downs to both.

Doing one weekend of month will most likely take longer for you to get your license, since it will be harder to learn things.

Saving your money means no jumping until then, so it'll take longer (time wise from now) to get your license.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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just my two cents...Im a low time jumper so can only quote from my experience and those of my friends in the same circumstances...

I saved up to do it all in 1 week.....and it definately paid off...
From what I have heard /discussed...leaving time inbetween( like a couple o weeks) can make it more difficult...as you often have to remember/'relearn' things from the last level......I dont think thats such an issue if you do it all together.

And from my experience...i had enough anxiety trying to remember everything I had to do on the level I was doing to worry about remebering the skills from the previous jump...

Just my opinion.....downsides....obviously...la moolah / la cash 'ola/ the readies....yip...ya gonna need a wad up front to do it all at once...;)

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NOTE: I am a newly licensed skydiver and my answer is just my own opinion.

I think that it would be better to save up the money and complete the progression through AFF in a shorter amount of time. Sometimes the first jump of the day is not as "satisfying" because we are so nervous. . .the second jump usually goes better. Also, something about "muscle memory", but instructors would know more about that than me. . .I just felt more comfortable doing more than one jump at a time.
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FGF #6

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I think that going through AFF in a short period of time is better than spreading it over a month or longer, but that doesn't mean that it's best to cram it all into a few days either. Muscle memory is a big issue, but sometimes giving yourself time to let things sink in is also an advantage.
I noticed this most after I had hurt my shoulder at around Jump #240ish. I was on the ground for about six weeks, and when I got back up, I was flying better than I had been before my injury. I know this isn't just my imagination, because people told me this as well.
It's been well documented in other sports and activities that training in your mind is a very powerful tool, and I believe that. All that time on the ground, going through dives in my mind did have a positive effect on my skill when I got back up in the air.
Of course everyone's different, but it might be helpful to complete part of the course, take a week off, let it all sink in and then come back and complete the course.
Having some video shot is also very helpful. Often, what you think you're doing with your body isn't really the case, and it can be difficult to translate between what you think you did, what you've been told you did, and what you're going to try next. Seeing yourself in the act is a powerful tool for adjusting what you 'feel' your doing to what is really happening.

Stay safe,

If you're gonna' be stupid, well, then you're most likely stupid.

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Thanks for the advice. I'm probably just going to wait and save up the money, it sounds like the better thing to do.

Now all I have to do is get my girlfriend to pay for some tunnel time at Skyventure to hold me over ;).

There are 2 types of people in this world: those who like Neil Diamond and those who don't. --Bill Murray

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Thanks for the advice. I'm probably just going to wait and save up the money, it sounds like the better thing to do.

Now all I have to do is get my girlfriend to pay for some tunnel time at Skyventure to hold me over ;).

I think it is a good idea to try to complete AFF in a shortest period of time, so saving up for a few month is a good call. Plus do not forget that spring is usually windy in many places. Sitting at DZ and waiting for winds to calm down is a very painful experience when you are a student. ;)

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Note: Following post by unlicensed newbie, take advice at your own risk.

Given that, just thought I'd chime in here with a little on my experience. Alot of people will tell you that it's bad to spread out your AFF training and that you're doomed to repeat levels if you do. This is not necessarily true, I worked through AFF paycheck to paycheck, it took me just over 2 months total to graduate, no repeated levels, only on one occasion did I do multiple jumps (two) in one day. The only reason I wish I could have done it all at once is the fact that my nerves seem to settle with each consecutive jump in a day. But, if I had waited till I had all the money at once I may not be through it yet and I may have never done it (I suffer from money burning pockets syndrome).

The plus is, the sooner you get it over with, the sooner the jumps which you'll soon be addicted to become cheaper. I don't know if this helps or not, just wanted to chime in and say if you want to jump, do it however you can, don't worry if you can't do it all at once even though that may be "ideal"

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Me and a mate did our AFF over 5 days in Spain,
then did the 10 consols straight after,
so in total took us 8 days to get the "A" licence

I found it worked great for us, wouldn't have liked to have done it any other way.

After that I went 4 months without jumping but then when did finally jump again I found there wasn’t much I had forgot.
A quick 10 min recap with my instructor and I was fine.

My advice would be save up and go for it!
It will be the most fun week of your life!

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