
Problems with ears and pressure - should I have this operation ?

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I put a post on dropzone.com last year about 'Ear problems due to altitude and pressure' (see http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1009685;search_string=lintern;#1009685)

Well... after seeing a specialst last year and after a long wait I am finally due to have an operation which I hope will correct the problem - the operation is very soon, on the 16th February !

But I am still in two minds whether to go ahead with the operation and would like the opinion of others.

The operation consists of....

1. a Septoplasty - a surgical procedure in which the nasal septum is straightened. It is normally my left ear that goes bad and apparently my left nasal is smaller than my right nasal.

2. an EUA of the PNS - which I am told is an examination of the back of the nose to see if the Eustachian tubes are functioning and to see if there is any obstruction such as enlarged adenoids blocking the tubes.

I am concerned about the following things...

- How long will it be after the operation before I can jump again ?
- Is the operation likely to solve the problem ?
- How long will it take to recover from the operation ?

Should I go ahead with this operation or not ?

Its driven me mad not being able to jump because its winter time and I am desperate to start jumping again !

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I am concerned about the following things...

- How long will it be after the operation before I can jump again ?
- Is the operation likely to solve the problem ?
- How long will it take to recover from the operation ?

umm.... you didn't ask the dr these questions?

He's the only one who can answer them.

Arianna Frances

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When I first had the consultation I went privately (which meant paying).

I did not want to pay for the surgery (too expensive) so I decided to see how things went - the problem had only happened once.

But since then it has happened several times and I was not aware that I had been put on the NHS waiting list, therefore the operation will cost me nothing.

I cannot talk to the surgeon directly (NHS politics or he is too busy?) so I can only talk to his secretary or send a letter.

The surgeon is difficult to understand anyway because he is foreign and is vague with his answers!

I have been told I will require AT LEAST 3 weeks after the operation before undertaking any skydiving.

But that's a bit vague... it could mean 3 weeks or 3 months !

I was told by his secretary that I will be off work for 2 weeks.

Has anyone else had problems with their ears and pressure and had surgery to correct it ?

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I cannot talk to the surgeon directly (NHS politics or he is too busy?) so I can only talk to his secretary or send a letter.

I guess they do things different overseas. There is no way in hell I'd allow any doctor to put me under the knife if I wasn't able to talk to him. If you really care about this situation, then do something about it and get answers to your questions.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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"I was not aware that I had been put on the NHS waiting list"

"the operation will cost me nothing." (what's the tax rate in the UK again?)

"I cannot talk to the surgeon directly (NHS politics or he is too busy?)"

"I can only talk to his secretary or send a letter."

"The surgeon is difficult to understand anyway because he is foreign and is vague with his answers!"

"I was told by his secretary that I will be off work for 2 weeks."

So much for government run healthcare. No thanks.

Almost always, cheap is expensive. If you can, go PAY a doctor who is competent and that you can understand who, after examination, will take the time to explain things to you. If he or she can't make themselves understood, don't pay them and get another doctor. If you become satisfied that the benefits of the operation outweigh the drawbacks, then let your "free" doctor do the operation.

In a nutshell, PAY for a second opinion.


Let's all do this safe enough that we can still do this in our 90's.

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As a dr myself I agree with the above sentiments - I wouldn't let anyone near me without all the right answers. From your posting is does seem you have a problem although not quite sure what it is - have you tried nasal decongestants to clear the opening of the Eustachain tube and if so did they work ? Are you an allergic type of person ? Have you had the flu recently ? It would highly unlikely a skew nasal septum would result in problems further back. Have you had trauma to the nose previously ? Etc etc.

I worked in the NHS for a few years - I am sure you will be able to get in touch with this consultant if you try hard enough. Alternatively find another ENT consultant who will give you his time !

Everything that happens to you in life is your teacher. The secret is to learn to sit at the feet of your life and be taught.

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Now, almost one year after my septoplasty, I think it was worth the pain ...well, actually it was not painfull at all and healed unbelievably fast ;)
I had the operation on Thursday, spent one night at the clinic and was back at work on Monday. Did first hop'n pop three weeks later.

It is easyer to breath, I didn't have my usual sinus infections for almost a year already ...and my ears don't pop anymore :P

But then again, as with any surgical intervention, there is some percentage of pure luck involved :)

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It seems that some people are getting the impression that this surgeon is dodgy !

But from what I've heard he is highly recommened.

My mum works for the NHS as a nurse and knows the surgeon and his reputation.

So its not the quality of the surgeon I am worried about, even though he can be difficult to understand and difficult to get hold of !

I am just interested if anyone else has had similar problems and had surgey to correct it (such as Luis).

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Thanks Luis...

Did you have the operation because you were having problems with your ears when skydiving ?

You say you did your first hop and pop 3 weeks later.

Did you do a hop and pop becuase you were unable to go to altitude because of the operation ?

If so, how long after the operation was it before you went to altitude ?

You say the operation wasnt painful ?

I am due to have this operation next week and Im not looking forward to it !

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It seems that some people are getting the impression that this surgeon is dodgy !

Nope, never said that, but what I am saying is that if I can't talk to someone that is doing surgery on me before the surgery, there is no way I'd let him/her start cutting on me.

You have some concerns about the surgery and the only person that can answer those questions is the doctor that is doing the cutting. Asking other people about their experience having that same surgery is a step in the right direction, but each person heals differently.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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