
Spacing Out

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On my last AFF-3 jump, I spaced out for maybe 5 seconds after being stable. :$ I sorta just forgot where I was, what I was doing, what I was supposed to be doing, etc. Once I snapped out of it, I went on with the jump like normal. My JM noticed, but had nothing to really say about it (I didn't ask either).

It's not something that bothers me because I'm just assuming that it's not gonna happen again. But I'm wondering what people's thoughts are about spacing out. Has it happened to you? More than once? Has anyone spaced out once they were past student status?
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You forgot where you were as in, "wow.. it's windy ... where's my jacket?" or .. just didn't know what to do for a few seconds?

In skydivease, forgetting what to do next is called Brain Lock.

Since it was a level 3, it's probably a bit of sensory overload. Sensory overload goes away after awhile. It's just your brain taking a few seconds to absorb the fact that you really are outside of an airplane falling towards the earth.
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Sensory overload goes away after awhile.

Well it does, but then it occasionally returns with "what's the next point" or "drive feet down, chin back, arms symetrical, why am I still backsliding, sitflying is such a biatch, I should go back to 4-way!". I did my first sitfly with a coach a couple months back, and I think I lost about 30 IQ points once we exited. I was like "Wow, he's an awesome flyer" and not concentrating on what I needed to be doing. :D

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