
How do i get a rig through the airport?

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It might be fun to get some questions,

This has nothing to do with Getting some questions. It is simply a Matter of not wanting to check any Bags if at all possible.
One Carry-on (Small Weekend Bag with Clothes and Alti, Jumpsuit and Helmet) and One personal Item - Rig. If I put the Rig in a Bag or Suitcase. I now have two carry-ons and would be asked to check one.


but it only takes one passenger that gets nervous, and tells an attendant of this for you to be forced to put it down below.

I always travel with printed copies of both the TSA Regulation and the Airlines Policy (If Available) on Traveling with a rig which CLEARLY states that rigs are permitted as Carry-on`s.
If a Passenger Complained, I would offer to let the Attendant Keep the Rig up front in their Carry-ons if it would make them feel better but I would not check it as My Life depends on this Rig and I really do not want to let it out of my control. The key to dealing with any situation like this is to always be Polite and Reasonable but Firm.


Do you want baggage handlers throwing it around without it being in a bag?

I would insist that I be rebooked on another Flight before I would allow my Rig to be checked. I have actually done this once when Traveling for Business and I was told there was no room for my Lap Top Bag (Bulkhead Seat and the Bins were full.)
I politely told them there was no way I was going to Check a Laptop. If they could not accommodate me and my one carry-on on this flight, I would be happy to take a later flight. They rebooked me and I left an Hour later on a different flight that had plenty of room.


Not many rigs will fit in the 'box' that all carry on is supposed to fit.

My Rig is Pretty Big. Icon 1-6 with 188 Main and 175 reserve. You could easily fit two of them into a Size-Wise Container if you placed them in Yin-Yang. If the rig is too big for the Size wise then it wouldn’t fit in a Carry-on suitcase anyway. The only Rig that I could see not fitting would be a Tandem Rig.

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If I put the Rig in a Bag or Suitcase. I now have two carry-ons and would be asked to check one.

I don't see why the airlines would see a distinction. I wouldn't count on them seeing it your way. Why wouldn't it be just like a backpack to them? Perhaps you're more aware of how they interpret this policy, but this is subject to change depending on their mood. I think airlines are in general reluctant to enforce carry on restrictions because they don't want to offend their customers, but in their eyes you can quickly change from someone they don't want to offend into someone they don't give a damn about offending.


If a Passenger Complained, I would offer to let the Attendant Keep the Rig up front in their Carry-ons

That's a good idea, and might satisfy an attendant once on the plane, but unless they are willing to put it in the flight deck (locked from the passenger cabin), then you can still get at it during flight, and the attendants know that any wild notions about what you might do with it are still possible. If a passenger complains before you board, security might well demand that you check it, without accepting that alternative. Put yourself in the shoes of security/flight attendant, they just won't care about TSA policy allowing it as a carry on - they will exercise their discretion if some passengers starting getting all worked up about some guy on their flight having a parachute.


I would be happy to take a later flight.

That's cool, but many people are not able to be so flexible with their travel plans. Also, they might tag you as trouble because you are prone to scaring their passengers.

You're probably right about the size of the allowed carry-on, I'm just remembering that the clear plastic size test 'box' that is at the gates seemed really small to me. Does a size wize actually fit under the seat? That is where all carry on bags are supposed to be able to fit.

I don't mean to be rude about this, but I just think that you're more likely to draw unwanted attention when you have it out, with no advantage that I can see.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I agree about O'Hare. I have been most surprised at Ontario, CA. They must get a load of jumpers coming through on the way to Perris and Elsinore, but each time I've been through Ontario they've been a real PITA about my rig.

Ontario:S They were all worried the last time I was out there in Sept/Oct about my cypress, but let my hook knife go right through:S
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I don't mean to be rude about this, but I just think that you're more likely to draw unwanted attention when you have it out, with no advantage that I can see.

I do respect your opinion but I do disagree.

The advantage is that it saves me a couple Hours waiting around the airport. If I am Checking Bags, I have to stand in Line when I get to the airport to check the bag and then wait around an extra 30 minutes to an Hour to claim that bag at my destination. This could be up to 4 Hours total wasted on a Round trip. I see saving that time as a huge advantage.

The Rules Clearly state specifically that a Rig is a Permitted Carry-on Item. No Need to hide it.

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I agree that carrying it on is preferred.

And you should not have to hide it, but in general I think it is a good idea for your rig to be out of sight and has no disadvantage that I can see.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I've done the same - No problems - One TSA screener asked me if I had a laptop in there - I had to chuckle and respectifully told him it was a sport rig. He said "oh, Cool!" and just ran it through the X-Ray. His supervisor was there and noticed what it was, then called some of the other screeners over for some quick OJT - He pointed out the Cypres to them, etc. I was totally blown away. I think this was at the Orlando airport.

FYI -- I had absolutely no problems with Orlando airport. It was one of these places where the rig just breezed through the X-Ray. I think this airport were very familiar with rigs.

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