
experimental canopy docking

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Has anyone ever attempted to dock with a powered parachute canopy? would this be possible if the prop was fully caged? Not that I am going to try, but it seems like this could be done.

Did anyone see that explosion? whatever it was, it's a good thing that it landed in that huge smoking crater! -Chief Wiggam
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D S #3.1415

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Considering that they typically have no cutaway system or reserve [:/], you're putting the PPC pilot (and yourself) at a lot of risk if a wrap were to occur. Having jumped PPC's a few times, I'd hate to imagine all of that weight suspended from a skydiving canopy & skydiver.

I wouldn't even consider putting my canopy near the go-cart end of a PPC. More snag points than you can shake a stick at! Also, you'd never want to be near the prop while it was running, caged or not. I know a guy who lost most of his foot in one of those last year - they're not toys.


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Just to be clear, this was a theoretical question. I am in no way proposing that this be tried. I can imagine the difficulty and danger involved in such a stunt as I have flown in a PPS and have been approached by the pilots to see if I would like to jump out of one. The concept was inspired by the achivements of certain pioneers of the sport who dared to do things like freefall with cars, catch planes in freefall, fly a canopy relative to a wing suit and the like. It would have to be first determined if a skydiving canopy would even be able to fly relative to a PPS, what safety equipment would need to be retrofitted, wake turbulence, approach, etc. I don't condone this activity but at least we can discuss it in theory.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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