
Stupid mistakes?

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was that picture taken in Aussie?

Nope, that was jump #31 in Grand Bend, Ontario, Canada.

And it is on my wall, my mom was nice enough to frame it and put it where my grade 8 grad picture use to be :P.

“- - Sumo is the greatest of sports. It has power, grace, speed and cluture. And most importantly, two fat bastards smacking the shit out of each other. ”

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one of mine...

That's poetry in motion, even if only for a brief moment more. I hope you have that framed on your wall :)

thanks, now i have coffee all over my screen :S bwahahahaha!

btw: great pic! hope you didn't hurt yourself on that one

stupid mistake on my behalf:

somewhere around jump 50 i decided it was a good idea that somebody take video of my early freeflying attempts. well it was more "pigs in outer space" or random flying than anything else. when separating i went unstable, opened somewhere 2000 ft and didn't make it back to the dz. wasn't wearing any shoes - jumping barefoot is sooooo coool :S and had to land off the dz. came in downwind in a freshly mowed field. did i tell you this is unpleasant? lesson learnt: always wear some shoes, cause there are some places where you don't like to walk barefoot :)
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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I have also had to land out barefoot.. In a field with a bunch of broken bottles... and my buddy swooped the same field as I was landing, he passed by me at about 10'....
But jumping barefoot is still cool to me... Just be carefull where you put your tootsies...
Barefoot beach landings are the @#$@#.....

Blue Skies.... Don't be Dumb...

HISPA 72 ----- "Muff Brother" 3733

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Last time I jumped I got distracted by the feelings of the weed tops across my toes. I didn't finish my flare. I was thinking wow this is cool swooping the weedtops. Then Thwack. Nothing hurt just my pride. Need to concentrate more.
Actually on the jump before that I was thinking, "Feet and knees together be prepairde to..." Thunk. 3
Lesson learned: CONCENTRATE

Non sono molti inteligenti.

An AFF student broke his femur on Sunday at SDLI when he didn't flare on his landing.

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