
Tandem Cutaway!

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Well it had been a 3 months over a year and I get to enjoy another tandem chop. The jump was uneventfull. We had to exit at 8500 with clouds.. Overall had a great jump, released drouge and the opening was really really slow... Finally opened and quickly looked down to see where we were and then it started bucking with a turn. Looked up to see the left 3rd of canopy pinched off, looked like a number of lines were "over". Fought with it for awhile and just when I thought it was getting better went bad again. Wrapped passenger with my legs and "pull" -just start to fall and know clear of risers "pull" . Damn those tandem reserve open slow . End result uneventfull alnding. Watched main land on grass patch between airport and LZ at the intersection (LZ is 1/4 mile to the west).. Pretty straight forward and the passanger had a fun time and enjoyed the 2nd freefall..

I think about my procedures on every jump as part of routine and this ended up as a "no-problem" reserve ride. Not an incident but a friendly reminder to ALWAYS be ready espically if your doing a tandem.. Lots of extra things to think about but this one went just like it should!

Hope I can extend a little longer till my next tandem chop then 1 year and 3 months ;)

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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Just curious, how did this affect your passenger? Are they still willing to try this again? Don't know if a cutaway on my tandem(s) would have scared me away or made me feel more into it knowing that we survived.

Passenger had a good time. Thought something was funny and when I asked if he liked the 2nd freefall he said something to the effect of I wondered what that was.... He wanted to go again so I dont think it affected him that much..

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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I agree, he probably didn't care at all. I think that tandem passengers, especially those that are completely new to this sport don't understand the seriousness of a malfunction yet. They really have no comprehension because everything about that first jump is sensory overload.


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I agree, he probably didn't care at all. I think that tandem passengers, especially those that are completely new to this sport don't understand the seriousness of a malfunction yet. They really have no comprehension because everything about that first jump is sensory overload.

Firstly, Way to save yourself and your passenger! B| Glad to hear it went well.

Of both the Tandem Cutaways I've been on site to whitness, neither of the passengers (first timmers) ever even realised something had gone wrong. The one landed and went a little green around the gills when the TM told her "The chute didn't open! We had to go secondary!"... the other was apparently shown the main floating freely whilst in the saddle under the reserve. "That's our parachute right there." says the TM "We just had a malfunction."

"No we didn't! Stop trying to scare me!" She responded. :D

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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