
Experiencing a demo jump cancellation for the first time

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The demo jump that the Silent Skydive Demo Team (led by me) was supposed to perform at the Michigan School for the Deaf’s 150 year anniversary homecoming this past Saturday, was cancelled due to high winds. Although I've made a few dozen demos, most of them under my S&TA/ex-DZO, this was the first demo I was in charge of.

I have been working for over a year on this demo with the school's sponsors, and had everything planned out, right to the last details, including three of the team members jumping smoke grenades and the fourth jumping the US and Michigan flags. This was going to be the first time an all-deaf demo team had performed a demo jump in skydiving history.

I wanted us to jump so bad, especially since the team had to fly in from three states to Michigan, but mother nature had other ideas. We had beautiful skies, but too much oomph on the winds.

The practice jump we made that morning at the Tecumseh drop zone (thanks Ron and staff for making it free!) pretty much made the decision easy. Winds were so strong at 3000 feet, some 27 knots or so, but only 8 knots on the ground. We set up the spot a little long, but clearly not long enough. None of us made it on the airport. Mike and I landed about 200 yards off under 119 and 120 sq. ft. canopies, John was half a mile off under a 150 sq. ft. canopy, and Andrew was 1-1/2 miles off under his Parafoil 252 (with 2 flags).

Winds at the school was 16 knots with gusts to 23. With the school being in the middle of the city, we were not willing to take chances. There’s always other demos to do in the future, and this no-go decision preserves our reputation in good standing. Thanks to Andrew for the matching team polo shirts and baseball caps. We really looked like professionals at the school banquet that night, and even got inquiries about future demo jumps at a deaf family-oriented camp in Michigan, so it was not bad at all. ;)

Blue Skies,
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Congratulations on your Pro Rating and thank you for using good decision making skills. You said that you looked like professionals and got inquiries about future jumps. By acting like professioanls you got treated like professionals and I hope this opens alot of doors to future demo jumps for your team.

Thank you,
Larry Stapleton
Southern Region Director

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Believe me, I cancelled a jump into a NFL game three weeks ago, it is a very tough call to make. In the end though, the staff of the team was very respectful of our decision and glad we were smart enough to know when to say when!
blue skies,


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I think the mark of a pro is how cool and unemotional they can be when unplugging a demo. I tell the jumpers on our team, "It's not how many jumps you have, it's how many you have LEFT." With demos, that's especially true. Well done. TAK

Thanks for all the comments, guys... It wasn't especially hard to make that decision, just based on that horrendous practice jump. I just hated to have to disappoint the school, but everyone was very understanding. Once the pilot made the inquiry to the weather service for the final wind report 30 minutes before the demo, and it came back 16, gusting to 23, that was it. Nope, we're not jumping. The pilot and S&TA both said it's your call, good job...

One thing though... paperwork's a bitch to deal with. It really takes a while to get through it all the first time, and I'm glad I started that process 2 months ahead of time. Everything came through and the jump was approved and insured 2 weeks prior.

Looking forward to more demos and obviously, better weather on them! :P

Thanks and blue skies
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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One thing though... paperwork's a bitch to deal with. It really takes a while to get through it all the first time..........

It wouldn't be anywhere near as difficult to do as the paperwork you'd have to complete if you did a demo under high wind conditions and someone got injured or killed.

Whuffos asked me about the demo into the NASCAR race where several skydivers got hurt for a few weeks after that event. It's not good publicity for the skydiving community when that happens.

Great call to cancel!

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