
with the year half over, how are your skydiving goals going?

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I'm not doing so well. [:/] But hey - I'm alive, uninjured, and having fun, so I can't complain about that.
Mine were....

1. Do at least 100 jumps.
Due to crappy weather and a June vacation I've only done 42 so far this year. But I'm still hoping to get there...

2. Get on a 4-way team to improve skills and have jump buddies.
Well we did get a team together, but we haven't been able to get 2 other reliable people. We have not jumped together enough to go to any meets, which is a bummer. But I do think I have improved my skills just consistently doing 4-way or 2-way drill dives, so thats good. But I wish the team would've worked out better.

3. Go to a new dz
Not yet. But we are still saying we'll go to Hinckley one weekend this season.

4. Learn to sitfly
Not yet. But I think next time my teammates are late I will take the opportunity to go out and do a solo and give it a whirl.

I am hoping the weather for the rest of the season cooperates. And I've still got Summerfest to look forward to, woo-hoo!!! B|

"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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the year is half over. how is everyone doing on thier skydiving goals? i couldn't find the 07 skydiving goals post for refrence. if someone could and make it clicky, i'd much appreciate it.

I aimed to be no worse at freeflying and swooping than before I moved some place with more frequent cloud cover and failed.

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Season has been a lot of fun for me. got my "A" learnt a lot more RW and jumped out of something other then a C-128[BEER]

getting close to my "B" about 5 or 6 more jumps should finish of the requierments.

Still have on my list of going to my first Boogie (will be doing that in September)
SO this one time at band camp.....

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."

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I have not gotten as many jumps in as I would like but am doing alright. But as of last week my wife and I bought the houses and property that we have rented for 8 yrs. Triple the payment. That may cut me back some but its not going to stop me. I did get a good compliment from the instructor that taught me this weekend. He called me dedicated and said I jump more than anybody he knows that has to drive as far as I do. Thanks Hod. Skydive Montana always make me feel at home.

I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.

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