off to the states tomorrowto pack pack pack

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so tomorrow is the day im flying out to america for 3 months to work as a packer and hopefully get my a licence in the process.

as you can see i only have 6 jumps and im not quite at the standard of packing i was hoping id be at(time wise and only ever watched a throw out pc being packed as my home dz generally only uses static line and spring loaded in their student rigs)

so im basically looking for any last minute advice from current packers and jumpers about things like how i should act when i get there dos and donts that have possibly taken you years to realise but would help me straight off.

the dz knows im new and im a very fast learner im still a bit nervous of it all going to shit though

wat yall think?

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Welcome! I hope you have a wonderful time here. I am not a professional packer or rigger. I usually pack for myself. However, I have watched how the good professional packers work. The good ones:

--Know the gear really well.

--Let customers know if they discover problems with a rig.

--Are quite aware of what is going on with jumpers and manifest. This allows them to pack rigs in the order they are needed, not in the order presented. For example, if a jumper is taking a lunch break, that rig can wait to be packed. On the other hand, if the jumper is on a team which is training or on a big-way effort that rig needs to be packed quickly to keep the group jumping.

--Learn how to pack specific jumper's gear. For example, who needs/wants the nose of the canopy rolled, who wants the nose left exposed.

--Are physically hardy and keep packing in the heat and humidity (when I want to collapse with a cold beer in my hand).

--The best ones usually get tips from satisfied customers.

Good Luck, Blue Skies.
The choices we make have consequences, for us & for others!

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sounds like great advice thanks alot

i have bucket loads to learn but im hoping hard work and perseverance will get me threw the first few weeks and i wont step on two many peoples toes as learn the ropes and exactly how to give the customer what they want

keep the advice coming its all very much appreciated

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keep the advice coming its all very much appreciated

If you don't have a piece of paper that says you can legally work in the US, be sure to keep a low profile.

Oh wait, you can't. You've already announced it to the whole world.

You should be okay though. It's really only those who arrive here from south of the border that are "taking work from Americans" and end up getting deported.

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