
Time Limit

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Not if your tandem wasn't part of your AFF. I think there's one guy on here who did a tandem and then didn't do AFF for about ten years.

It was about nine months between my commercial tandem jump and when I started AFF. My AFF started with a tandem jump and due to weather it was about six to eight weeks before I was able to do the next level jump which was non-tandem.

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Is there a time limit between the time you do your tandem to the time you do your AFF course?

No. To stay current you need to jump every 30 days. Every drop zone is different on how they run their school. Your fist tandem is normally considered a fun tandem. At our dz we teach first jump course after the first tandem. Then you have to do 2 tandems and your first level of AFF within 30 days. We have found that we get better return rate of students doing it this way. If you go pass the 30 day you just need to take a re-currency class and repeat last level. Its better for you and your instructor if you stay current. You retain what your learning better. hope this helps

Edit to add : It wont matter when you did your first tandem.
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I appreciate yalls answers. I was hoping there wasnt a time limit. I think the drop zone ( West Tenn Skyding) I'm going to be going to requires more than the first tandem. I did it last August and I plan on taking my FJC and AFF course as soon as I get my income tax back. I plan on trying to finish my whole AFF in one weekend if everything flows right and goes as planned.
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I plan on trying to finish my whole AFF in one weekend if everything flows right and goes as planned.

good luck wit dat

even in switzerland, where weather is known to be less than stelar, that is very well possible..
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-Hunter S. Thompson
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I think the drop zone ( West Tenn Skyding) I'm going to be going to requires more than the first tandem.

Why not call and ask them? You will find Mike will answer any questions you have.

Last I was there, they required a tandem before the AFF course. But there was no time limit.
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