
The end of the Moore era?

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12 hours ago, gowlerk said:

I don't really know if this is a marker of the future or not. But it does seem to come at a time when his "law" may also be at an end.


Another amazing phenom. 


I would propose the following corollary to Moore’s Law. The original statement from Moore was chip capacity would double every year with the timespan of chip-capacity-doubling being later revised to two years thus establishing the foundation for Moore’s Law as chip capacity doubling over a two-year period. Moore’s rivals contend Moore’s Law (in relation to the 2 year period) is no longer valid (and some would say it's dead) with the current slowdown in chip innovations. However, other market executives hold that Moore’s Law still drives the desire to improve chip performance. Therefore, although the timespan for doubling chip capacity has varied through history and may be limited by the technology at any particular time, the doubling of chip capacity over a length of time is still accepted as an industry marker and driver.


Thus, Moore’s Law Corollary:

Moore’s Interval  - The length of time necessary for the doubling of computer chip power. The interval can be represented by the slope of the line tangent to the chip-power-increase rate-of-change curve. The lower the number expressing Moore’s Interval the higher the pace of chip progress. The larger the number expressing Moore’s Interval the slower the pace of chip progress. Therefore, Moore’s Interval would establish the marker representing the computer chip industry’s innovative progress.


Challenges to and discussions of Moore’s Law Corollary (Moore’s Interval) are welcome.

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