
Insurance to cover income loss / disability (UK)

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Hi all

Apologies if this has been discussed before - I have had a search through the forums but obviously the word "insurance" is used quite frequently, though perhaps not as frequently as I might have anticipated before I started skydiving... :)
In short, I want to know how I can persuade my insurance company to extend my standard income protection/disability insurance policy to include skydiving injuries.

Long version:

I'm quite new, 51 jumps in and with an A Licence, and mostly have been jumping in Spain (it's where I did my AFF and I like the DZ).

I have had income protection insurance for years which covers me specifically for being unable to work in my particular professional field (anaesthesia) for almost any reason, with a short list of exclusions. In addition to excluding any disability caused by self-harm, any injuries sustained during me committing a criminal act, etc., the insurers have now informed me that they also wouldn't cover me for "ongoing skydiving". Apparently although doing it once or twice was covered (presumably it's allowed to do it once "for the experience", bucket list or charity or whatever), they aren't prepared to cover me if I'm going to keep on skydiving, as "it's a dangerous sport", apparently...

I have spent some time over the last few weeks on the phone to various insurance companies. The companies who do proper income protection are all unwilling to modify their standard policies/premium costs to cover me for skydiving. I've had some ridiculous conversations where they tell me that they base their decision to exclude skydiving on the basis of industry-wide claims-made information (i.e. "You lot are always breaking your necks, I heard from a mate who works at Insure4u.com that they had two massive payouts last year; no way are we insuring you lol") but can't tell me what kind of injury/fatality rate they think skydiving has.

Conversely, the skydiver-friendly companies who do specialise in skydiving insurance don't do proper income protection (it's quite expensive to pay someone to be off sick for the rest of their working life) and their off-the-shelf policies would only cover me for being unable to work at all, in any job. This would mean that if I ended up paraplegic and could not work as a doctor, but could still work as a check-out assistant, they would not pay out.

There's nothing wrong with being a checkout assistant but it doesn't pay as much as being a doctor, even in the publicly-owned UK National Health Service, so you can see why I'd want to be insured specifically for being unable to continue in my own profession. However, the insurance companies believe the risk is unacceptably high for them to even consider insuring me, at any level of premium.

Has anyone had any success either:

a) getting insurance companies to agree to go off their set menu a little bit and charge you a bigger premium in return for actually agreeing not to exclude skydiving from their policy, or

b) finding an insurance company that provides own-profession income protection of this sort that includes skydiving?

I live and work in the UK and presume that the insurance company would also have to be British, but if overseas companies can insure me legally then I'd want to explore that, too!

Any ideas very welcome. I've even considered getting a bespoke insurance policy from Lloyds of London but that would apparently be at least £10k per year for the premium!



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Cool, thanks, I'll give them a try and see if they do income protection as well - or at least can arrange a big payout (in return for a big premium) if I am injured... I just have to find a way to describe it that doesn't sound like I'm trying to set up a complex and dangerous insurance scam! :-)

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