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Rough Canopy Opening

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Thanks!  I used to be freaked out by backflipping in freefall and when I had to do it it was so easy.  I've noticed that once I'm out of the door I'm good.  It's for sure the mental aspect that was holding me back.  Now I'll iron some stuff out and ideally be licensed by the end of the year.


Probably shouldn't post the video but eh, it's there.


Also, sorry for the double post.

Edited by Rustbucket350

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Dude, you sounded like a new skydiver with a problem you were trying to figure out without enough tools. Just like everyone else, only every one of us has different problems.

And awesome to get your A. You’ve got a lot more tools to work on problems, but you’ll get new problems, and you still won’t have the tools to solve them all. Just like all of us!

Wendy P. 

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